Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Fishmas.

Merry Christmas, or as I wrote on the Welcome Home/ Merry Christmas sign we put up for the 2 visiting kids( 22 YR old and 25 YR old and their BF's and staying 3 days) tomorrow: Merry Fishmas (because the 22 YR old loves fish like how I love hippos). My hubby got me a new cozy snuggly warm Oodie shown in the photo here(which is still on my credit card bill and he hasn't paid me for yet), the blue one with the cute little otters on it( the purple one I got last Christmas) and they've sadly compromised on their quality this year though as the new one is much thinner and lighter than the original one last year; it's less heavy and the material is thinner and the sherpa lining is also much thinner (so I doubt as warm)and less quality yet it still costs the same. I also got a box of Bacci chocolates from my mother. The 27 YR old said he didn't have time to get my gift yet as the weed dispensary closed early and he was always working. I already made up my mind earlier though that I wasn't going to let anything "get" to me today, or allow anything or anyone to ruin it, or to be disappointed, and tomorrow when the 25 YR old pulls her little stunt she does every year of getting gifts for everyone else except for me, purposely leaving me out I'll just  act as if I don't even celebrate it, and tell myself that's why she didn't give me a gift, instead of the real reason of me being a loser that always gets excluded or her just being a petty cruel bitch and for Christmas,too, a day of giving and being kind.

I also got this chocolate marshmallow in my stocking and guess what I first thought of when I saw it? What I thought it looked like, me with my dirty mind? DICK ON A STICK!! My mother scolded, Get your mind out of the gutter! My back is still sooo bad as well I can hardly even move, and it's so bad that even smoking weed just takes the "edge" off but doesn't eliminate the pain completely; it's like pain on steroids, but at least after I smoke it lessens it down to a more managable level so I can at least move and bend,  and Buddy can sense something's wrong too as all day yesterday and today he keeps whimpering and whining and licking me and humping my leg.

This is also our dining room all set up for our fancy Christmas dinner which we'll have later and this year it's just the 5 of us( me, my hubby, my mother, the 27 YR old and the 14 YR old) that are left in the house but I like it like this; nice and small and quiet, just a few people, and not loud, busy, boisterous and noisy like it used to be with everyone here. It'll be nice having a low-key event, and not because of COVID (f*ck what the gov't says) just because everyone lives so far away.

All I want for Christmas is our freedom back.


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