Thursday, December 16, 2021


Check this out! My hubby got a custom-made and custom-measured Mini-me which is the size of an action figure and made of resin that feel like clay. One of the tiny little fingers broke off during shipping sadly even though it was packaged really well. It looks amazingly just like him, right down to the tiniest detail, icl. the bald spot in the back of his head and his man-boobs! It turned out really well and I think it's hilarious, although also incredibly vain at the same time so I wouldn't get one(and why would I ever want, and spend hundreds of $$$ on, an ugly little doll that looks just like me?) but I still think it's cool and it turned out really well. Today is also our anniversary and I got the best gift ever but I'll post about that tomorrow( have to save something for another day and not do it all in one day) and I had a dream as well that I died so quickly I never even had time to say goodbye to Buddy. I also gave him a much-needed bath and he was so mad at me he shunned me and ignored me and sat on his chair facing away from me and at nap time he didn't come to bed with me like he usually does either but just slept in his dog bed! he was sulking! I also thought he would be mad I washed his toy(to get the stink out) but he thought it was a new toy with a new scent and he was actually happy and played with it all day! We also had to pay 10$ for a litre of milk and now MAD Magazine also costs over 14$ an issue as well(no longer "cheap!") and everything is just sooooo expensive now no one can even afford to live anymore!

Now our evil overlords also decreed with this "new variant" (I think is really just an excuse to impose new measures and to ruin everyone's Christmas) everyone now has to get a third booster vaccine( and then I'm sure later on followed by a 4th,then a 5th, a 6th, and so on, it will never end) and no international travel, large venues capacity cut to 50% and only 10 people at your house for holiday gatherings.....F*CK THAT!! If we had everyone in our family that's over 10 people right there! This year we only have 2 out-of-town kids(and their BF's) coming but regardless we'll have however many people we want in our own house and no Fascist gov't tyrant is going to tell us otherwise, and I'm NOT looking forward either to the kids when they come always criticizing about how dirty, messy,and cluttered the house is,either,and if it bothers them so much then why do they even bother coming at all? As for those stupid social distancing circles they have on the floor at stores I just ignore those,too; I step over them and stand outside them as I've never fit into any "boxes" and I don't fit into any "circles",either!

Outside walking Buddy I also smelled KFC  so someone must have one of their scented yule logs burning in their fireplace or woodstove, and yesterday I was out on my front porch smoking weed(as it was raining) and the mailman came and I was tempted to offer him a "hit" but decided against it as he might end up getting lost and delivering the mail to the wrong addresses, and a police car went down our street as well and I just smiled,exhaled and laughed, now weed is legal I no longer have to hide in the shed anymore, and I also saw 2 guys across the street, one with security on the back of his jacket breaking into a neighbour's front door but then later on the more I thought about it I wondered if maybe they were actually burglars breaking in? Ooops! That wind storm the other day also tore down and ruined another neighbours' extension they were having built at the back of their house too and today we have more wind like that too along with a weather advisory. I'm also often accused of being rude and offensive as well but I'm just autistic; I'm blunt; that's just the way God rolled me, and one thing I really want too is a weighted blanket, supposed to  help with the anxiety of autism except they cost so much, like 200$, and I can still remember that time too I was no more than 6(maybe even younger) my mother and I were on the subway and this man started violently coughing up bright red blood and they cleared everyone off and took him directly to the hospital and went right thru every station and I thought he was going to die and it was a scary thing to witness, esp. for a little kid,and I still remember it to this day and think about him and wonder what happened to him, all these decades later and I hope it was just something like a bleeding stomach ulcer and he made it.

Only you can write your story. Never let anyone steal the pen.


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