Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Watch.

Not too much to write about except we got more snow back again( shown in the photos here Ijust took this morning as it's still snowing) after it all melted away with the rain) and it's a good decent amount,too, and it makes it feel more "festive" for December, more "Christmas-sy"so I do like it in December but then after that it can piss off. We've hardly had much so far though and it's been mild and later on the weekend it's going up to 12C or 13 C again, unusually mild. It was also soooo windy the other day( 90 km wind!) it blew some of our outdoor Christmas lights off! My hubby also has this cool watch that can track your sleep cycle, heart rate, etc, and him and the 27 YR old used it to track their sleep so just for fun last night I tried it,too,as it got me really curious and it was uncomfortable wearing a watch to bed but it monitored my sleep and for once I actually didn't have to get up during the night to pee( usually I have to 2-3 times) so I stayed in bed the whole time and, in fact, I hardly even peed at all when I did get up, so my kidneys are 'wonky" again, and it showed I had 8 HRS of sleep, with 4 HRS of light sleep and 4 HRS of deep sleep (and I remember I did have a few dreams as well) and a bit of movement but for the most part a good solid sleep and my heart rate was 65 or so and at times went up to 85 or so, likely during the dream stage, but nothing unusual but that was also just one night of obversation as well but it was interesting and fun! Yet despite a good night's sleep I'm still always drag-ass tired all the time and still need a 2 HR nap each day and never feel rested! Sometimes I think maybe I should just get the vaccine too hoping that it might kill me and I'll finally be set free but then I don't because my real fear is that it is the Mark Of The Beast and I won't risk losing my eternal soul no matter what, not for anything! I am NOT a sell-out.

 I finally got back into my Twitter account I was locked out of for 2 days,too; my hubby logged-in using my iPod instead of the computer and it worked; it turned out the whole time I was trying to log-in using the wrong username; I thought it was Pogue Mahone (which is my screen name) but there were actually some other things that were added to it I had forgotten about but he figured it out. Life's really hard when you're stupid,and if that wasn't bad enough today the iPod  decided to do an update and then I had to log in again and I got the password right(not at first though; I had to try 3 of them before it was finally accepted; the story of my life; the struggle is real) but then it asked me security questions and it rejected What street did you grow up on? even though I think I would know more than they would and I was the one afterall that answered  the question in the first place but they keep saying it was incorrect so now I'm locked out of that,too, and I can't even access my music so I'm just using my old one until my hubby can help get me back in. I swear to God, technology just hates me. USA and Canada are also boycotting the upcoming winter Olympics in China too over human rights violations ,too, which I find hypocritical when they commit human rights violations themselves as well, so what can they say? USA torturing political prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, police brutality in both countries, racism, ill-treatment of Indigenous People, forcing citizens to get vaccines or be fired and excluded from society,mistreatment of migrant workers,etc.

I try to think about and remember the good days, the good times, and the good memories when the darkness starts to creep in.


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