Monday, January 31, 2022


HA! Look at this! More people in Germany reported me to Twitter  for comparing the tyrannical COVIDianRegime gov't lockdowns, mandates, restrictions,show-me-your-papers Fascism to Hitler's authoritarian tactics so they sent me this e-mail saying I have now been banned in Germany, as if I really even give a shit what they think but I must be doing something right as if I wasn't exposing the truth they wouldn't be censoring me(the truth hurts) and it just proves me point even more; they're censoring me, like they did in Nazi germany, censoring any opposition and dissent. The Nazi regime did  single-out a specific group of people( the Jews) to be targeted, made society hate them, look down on them, dehumanize them, blame them for everything, exclude them from society, etc. just like is happening now to the unvaccinated; that's how it started. They also had over-bearing mandates, restrictions, curfews,lockdowns, you had to have ID and show your papers in order to move around.,etc If you can't see the similarities repeating today then you are either in denial, blind, stupid, or all three. The angry Germans say I'm an "idiot" and don't "know anything about history" but I do  and that's what concerns me.

As for the truckers' Freedom Convoy yesterday there were over 200 000 people in downtown Ottawa and the gov't says it's time for them to leave and go home and stop holding the city "under siege" yet they refuse to meet with them and talk and discuss their demands(for freedom; to have all the COVID restrictions lifted) or to hear them at all,but this is just too big to be ignored and they said they'll stay there as long as it takes until their voices are heard; even 2-4 years if necessary; they won't be ignored and the people have had enough and demand to be heard.Trudeau can't hide forever and maybe on Groundhog Day he'll emerge from his underground burrow and make an appearance(and then we can take mallots and play Whack-a-Mole) but he's probably long gone, out of the country in exile somewhere and hopefully will never come back. People complain someone put a freedom sign on a Terry Fox statue too and claim it's "defacing" yet no one complained when a gay pride flag was draped over it before at a previous protest or on a Jesus statue at another one,either; they just want to find any little thing to try to discredit them and make them look bad.Again, yet another sign of a dictatorship trying to silence opposition.

I also read about a dog that was laying on a beach waiting for someone to love him and maybe that's the trick and what I have to do,too; just lay on the beach and wait long enough until someone comes by to love me, and my hubby does the grocery shopping as well( since neither my mother and I can walk that far and we both get out of breath, plus he has the car and is the only one that can drive) and I needed meatballs to make my epic meatball stew for dinner last night and he was supposed to get them in the morning so I had time to cook them and make the stew but of course he didn't until later in the afternoon so we were late eating again and he was also supposed to get other ingredients for a meal for me to cook and he didn't and now he's mad he has to go back  out and get it, and he got me the wrong Metamucil ( the doctor that did my colonoscopy said I need 2-3 times a day to help my colon) too; I need the orange flavour one to even be able to tolerate chugging it down without puking( as opposed to the original flavour that makes me barf and I can't even swallow without barfing) and he got the original  one and I was upset and him and the 27 YR old blamed me  for getting upset even though he was the one that got the wrong thing and I'm tired of always being ripped-off and always having to settle for crap all the time and besides, I need this to lessen my colon pain and they were both making fun of me for my "temper tantrum" when in actual fact it was an autistic meltdown  but they're too ignorant to know the difference.
I really need a new family and a new life.

Being different just means you are a rose among the thorns.🌹


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Wordless Wednesday.