Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Flashback, Freezing,And Freedom.

I came across this photo the other day of  typical high school kids in the 80's and it really brought me back; the clothes, the hairstyles, everything. It could have been any one of my classes and classmates, except we also had mostly Preppy boys and Valley girls(as well as the Metalheads) but the girl on the right with the white pants looks the most like my friends I hung out with; we were the Christian Good Girls; the ones that studied, didn't date, smoke, drink, take drugs, go to parties, etc. you get the idea.We did ooh-and-aah'ed ,giggled about, whispered about, fantasized over hot guys in magazines, musicians, movie stars and had posters on our walls of guys we swooned over and the like like any other teenage girl, but that was it, and of course there was music.Lots of music, and the best music.80's music.The best TV sitcoms,too. Just like in the 70's. There was nothing like it and the crap today can't even compare.(and now I'm sounding like an old woman, HA!) This photo brought back some nostalgic happy memories though of a happy, better time. I wish I could time travel though and I'd go back to the 80's and the 70's,too, as I was happy then and it was a simpler time.

As for the Truckers For Freedom convoy it's gaining momentum, and now the largest convoy ever and even broken a Guiness Book world record, and truckers from USA supporting them are joining in as well and if they aren't allowed to cross the border they said they'll just stay at the border,and there's even a rumour that the police and army support the truckers and the freedom rally as well and that Go Fund Me has frozen the some 5 million$ they now have in donations as they investigate what it's being used for' to make sure sure it's not for a "terrorist" organization as now the gov't denounced it(like always calling anyone who disagrees with the Powers That Be) as a bunch of "racist, redneck, anti-islamic(even though one of the founders is Muslim!) insurrectionists" like the Trump supporters that stormed Capitol Hill last year(slandering them to turn society against them), even though this is to be a peaceful protest and they were just mad that he lost and we're fighting to get our freedom  back; a bloodless non-violent revolution, and now I know what it feels like to be on the cusp of a revolution and why I wasn't meant to die before; I had to be here to witness the fall of oppression and tyranny, and now I also heard that some Wal-Marts here have guards to escort the non-vaccinated thru the store  thru a separate entrance to ensure that they only buy food and medicine and nothing else; like segregating whites only and colored only on benches, watering fountains, etc. or sit at the back of the bus or signs in store windows No Jews. It's also nice to show the tyrannical gov't that it's NOT just a "few" "radical tin-foil-hat- wearing Conspiracy theory nutjobs" that have had enough of all the restrictions,lockdowns, mandates,etc. and are demanding our freedom back; now there's a whole big entire movement; a force to be reckoned with and there's strength in unity!

It's also sooooo cold out  I hardly had any hot water for my bath this morning  and that poor Buddy couldn't even do both a pee and a shit this morning for his walk as he couldn't stand up that long on the cold sidewalk; his feet got too frozen and he just collappsed so he did the shit(which was most urgent) and I picked him up and brought him inside to warm up 30 minutes or so and then brought him back out again later to do the pee.He scared the shit out of me last night as well he was sleeping so soundly I thought he was dead; he was all really limp and floppy and his tongue was hanging out and I had to shake him out of it and I wouldn't be surprised if he was blind(or at least partially blind) either(he will be 16 next month) as he always bumps into things and can never seem to see where we throw things and always has to go by scent....

Canada went from "two weeks" to "two shots" to bread lines pretty quickly-Keean Bexte.


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Monday Musings.

That’s why i don’t have any friends any more. Too much of a hassle and fed up of always getting disappointed.-TX