Sunday, January 30, 2022

Freedom Convoy:Truckers VS The Fuckers.

Yesterday there were some 50 000 people in Ottawa(like you'd see on Canada Day) supporting the Freedom Convoy trying to put an end to the gov't's tyrannical COVIDIANRegime mandates, lockdowns, curfews, restrictions, etc. not bad for a "small fringe minority" and so far raised 7.5 million $ in donations as well for expenses such as fuel, lodging, food, and other expenses such as parking fines and other legal expenses, etc. and it's the Truckers VS the Fuckers, and it's peaceful despite the gov't and the media trying to say we're a bunch of insurresurectionists; it's been peaceful and full of love, harmony, support, optimism and hope, like a pep rally, actually. The 22 YR old(who lives in Ottawa) whined it was too noisy and she wanted to go check in to a hotel across the city to get away from all the noise except all the hotels are booked up. If I was still living there you bet your ass I'd be down there in the rally fighting for our freedom!

 They say someone "desecrated" the Terry Fox statue as well by having it hold a sign that said Freedom! (yet no one complained before when protesters draped a gay pride flag over a Jesus statue)on it but that's hardly "desecrating" it; it's not like it was decapitated or had a swastika painted on it or something. They're just looking for any excuse. Someone burned the flag too but that makes sense. This is a revolution. A peaceful one but a war against the tyrannical gov't none the less. There were countless F*ck Trudeau! signs everywhere as well and even painted at the bottom of a helicopter flying overhead(it was glorious and a beautiful sight to see) and someone was even giving out free joints;too; one to every one who destroyed their vaccine passport and 2 to whoever didn't have one!

I got an e-mail from Twitter  as well informing me that someone in Germany had reported me for comparing our freedom fight to the Holocaust but they said it didn't violate any rules and I didn't; what I am saying is that the gov't over-reach and tyrannical measures are fascist just like  in Hitler's Nazi Germany, and, in fact, I've angered alot of Germans apparantly over that,and they scold me for daring to comapre a 'trivial inconvenience' to the Holocaust, but having a authoratative tyrannical over-reaching gov't take your rights and freedoms away from you, and forcing you to get a medical procedure against your will and then firing you from your job and make you lose your living and then dehumanize you and exclude you from society because you don't comply is NOT "trivial" and that's exactly how it started against the Jews in Nazi Germany! You have to learn from history and notice the same things starting again so that you DON'T allow the same mistakes to be repeated! 

They also had snipers positioned on the top of the Parliament buildings(they must think we're in USA) and in all the restaurants,shops, hotels, etc. in Ottawa everyone removed their masks as well so hopefully this will just be the beginning of the end  and I hope once this is all over everyone will collectively  burn  their masks and vaccine passports in celebration!Canada has also started a world-wide Freedom Convoy of truckers movement and that's just an incredible amazing thing! Canada is also like that quiet dog that never growls but if you poke and abuse it enough even it has a breaking point and eventually it will have had enough and will bite.

I also hadn't heard from my prego friend on Facebook  in a few days either and so I wondered if maybe she was in the hospital and maybe had the baby early(she's 35 weeks,and I had the 23 YR old at 35 weeks)so I sent her a message and she's fine; she just got a week ban on Facebook because someone in a pregnancy group kept sending her explicit sexual crap and she reported it and she got banned even though it should have been the other way around! Facebook  can just be so stupid! The 27 YR old also taunts I "waddle" because I'm fat when I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my joints hurt and it hurts to walk, and my mother decided just to be safe now on if she wakes up hungry during the night to NOT cook anything anymore in case she sets the house on fire and kills us all in our sleep; to just make a sammich or get a muffin or cereal or something instead, and my hubby said I always smell like weed and that smoking weed has turned my brain to mush even though I've had memory etc. problems for years even before, due to my white matter decline that an MRI showed years earlier, but he likes to blame the weed for everything even though it's eliminated my daily migraines and relieves my chronic daily pain when nothing else does,.

When I cleaned out Buddy's ears he thanked me,too, by purposely and gently nudging my face in a caressing way with his snout, like he was kissing me in thanks, and I was scared this morning he was dying too and we were laying in bed snuggling waking up this morning he looked "out" of it, "spacey" and was really floppy and not really responding, but then he came "out" of it so hopefully he was just sleepy. I can't lose him. He's all I have left. I think I'm also the kind of person that's meant to live alone; just me and my dog, and then I don't have to worry about anyone complaining; I can smoke weed, blast my music, sing as loud as I want, and do whatever I want whenever I want without anyone telling me what to do, criticizing me or giving me any sort of hassle.

Some of us just aren't lotted the winning hand in life.


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