Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Hippo Birthday.

Today is my birthday. I am now 55.
Holy f*ck, I'm old!!
My hubby already got me my gift before; my combined anniversary/birthday gift; the old-fashioned framed hippo and Dachshund art and today he gave me a cute Dachshund card that he was quick to point out that he paid full price for too and didn't pick up at the Dollar Store( ha,ha) and I got Lindt chocolates and truffles from my mother and the oldest sent me a Happy Birthday e-mail .I'm also going to get a cake and order-in food from my fave. Italian place for dinner. I got birthday well-wishes messages on Facebook from friends as well and I wouldn't be surprised either with all my medical issues that if this also ends up being my last birthday. I'm actually surprised I even lived this long and thought I would die before I was 50.My mother also always likes to re-hash how she had such a quick and easy labour as well, just 4 hours(and I was also born 6 weeks premature and I'm still early for everything!) and I've never  had either a quick or an easy one even after 11 kids and my 'shortest" was 14 1/2 hours. I also read that having Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that pain during childbirth is  even worse than usual too so maybe I really do have it more painful afterall and I'm not imagining it?

Just like I knew it, expected it, said, and called it as well: starting tomorrow we're into even more  lockdowns and restrictions too with the tyrannical Fascist COVIDian Regime : schools not opening back up after the Christmas break now until the 17th(supposed to have gone back yesterday) and restuarants only allowed take-out or delivery( now not even the fully vaccinated can dine-in anymore, so much for the "freedom" getting vaccinated was supposed to have given them!! HA!) and salons, stores, etc. open only 50% capacity, and only 5 people allowed indoors social gatherings until the 27th, unless, of course, they extend it longer, and I saw it coming long ago, and it's the sheeple's own stupid fault for their blind submission and obedience as the more you comply the more restrictions increase. If you want it to end you have to stop complying and fight back, like in Russia when they tried to close down dine-in at restaurants everyone just ate outside in protest and that was the end of that and in Europe they have mass protests of thousands in the streets against the lockdowns, restrictions and mandates because Europe knows  what living under Fascism and tyranny is like  as they endured it under the Nazi occupation in WWII and they actually learned from history, unlike the dumb blind sheeple here.  The 22 YR old is also sure she had COVID as well(even though she's been vaccinated; shows how "well" the vaccines "work") and said it felt like every bone in her body was broken,like she was in a car accident yet even so it was still less than the reaction to the vaccine, and my prego FB friend also tested positive for it and her biggest concern was that she isn't able to get the booster she planned on getting this week. Seriously? People are just so brainwashed! It used to be you got the sniffles you assumed it was just a cold but now everyone's so conditioned by fear they assume it's COVID and think they're dying. It's nothing but mass hysteria, panic and fear mongering.

The 27 YR old also gave me a combined late Christmas/birthday gift: cannabis-infused chocolate bars(shown here) combining 2 of my fave. things: chocolate and weed, and he said he's always had tinnitus his whole life too but didn't even realize(or mention it to anyone) until just recently because he thought that it was just normal and that everyone had it until he came across an article or a video or whatever somewhere that said it's NOT,and he said the sound is sort of like right after an explosion and how it goes completely silent but then right after there's this ringing sound. he said that's what the sound is like. I also found out that there's really this actual anatomical part of a penis called the meatus (I kid you not!) and I couldn't stop laughing. That has got to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time!Funny as well: My hubby went back to work yesterday after his 2 week vacation and after 2 HRS someone finally told him he was still off and didn't go back until today! HA! What a stooge!

Check this out! This is my hubby with Buddy, the same dog that when I first got him 8 YRS ago he said he didn't want  anything to do with that 'stupid mutt'  and even threatened to open the door and let him run out loose onto the road, etc. and yet just look at him now: he rubs his back and belly, pets him, feeds him from his plate, plays with him,etc. Buddy somehow worked his "magic" with his cuteness and magnetic charming personality and won him over and melted his cold frozen heart and I know when he dies he's going to miss him,too, even though he'll never actually admit it. I think Buddy also has a cold(like I do) as well as yesterday he told me he didn't feel well and he wanted extra cuddles and for me to hold him and rock him in the rocking chair(just like I used to do with the kids when they were babies) and he's been sneezing alot as well, and it was sooo cold yesterday too(-25C)  that when he peed and did a shit warm steam actually came off it  and the pee melts the snow and his poor little feet were so cold and froze he collappsed and I had to pick him up and carry him the rest of the way but he was fine once he got inside and warmed up! It would be just like me going out in the snow barefoot.
“The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage.” —Thucydides


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