Sunday, January 23, 2022

Just Some More NWO Stuff.

I heard now in Australia a new mother had her newborn apprehended in the hospital from her until she tested negative for COVID and in this province there's talk of soon requiring the vaccine passport for entry into the gov't-run alcohol stores(I don't drink anyway,but it's just a matter of time before it also extends to the cannabis stores,too, but luckily I have a medical  prescription and can also just get it delivered right from my medical supplier,and if that always fails there's always my old supplier or evem my cousin who sells weed) continuing to ramp up the State's tyrannical pressure to force citizens' to comply and get the Mark Of The Beast  like so many of the sheeple already have, mainly out of fear of  losing their jobs, not being able to travel, or being excluded from society such as not being allowed access to restaurants, concerts,cinemas, and other venues,etc.Before you know it, they'll soon be rounding up us unvaxxed folks into cattle cars and shipping us off to the camps. I also heard USA is calling personel out of Ukraine so it signals that war is imminent as they did the exact same thing before too in Syria, Iraq,and Afghanistan before war broke out...I have always supported Russia(for obvious reasons) before but if they invade Ukraine this is something I just can't justify and I fear it will lead to WWIII and the start of Armageddon.

I also got Buddy a new toy; by accident,actually; I'd had it hidden behind his dog food up on a high shelf for a Christmas present awhile ago only I had forgotten about it and it got hidden there until yesterday when I grabbed some dog food and there it was so I brought it down and gave it to him and he loves it but I was also glad to see he was still playing with his old fave. toy,too; that he didn't just discard it for the new one and I praised him as loyalty matters, and I was surprised as well my hubby said the 20 YR old still charges her Uber and Lyft  and various other expenses to his credit card for him to pay for everything(Just charge it on Daddy's credit card) even though she's an adult now and has a job, and I was also surprised(but impressed,too) when I heard chess IM Levy Rozman say Go smoke a blunt, and if you don't know what a blunt is, go ask your parents. I now have a new respect for the guy.

I still also have the left side of my nose clogged/congested/blocked for months now,too, so I'm guessing something must be there like some sort of growth or something and I suspect it's likely something with my sinus as I've always had sinus issues, just like my mother's father always did(so I likely inherited it,and how come I inherited all the shitty stuff?) and yesterday awaking up out of my afternoon nap I also heard this really weird noise something like brrrrwrraaaapp  emitting from either my throat or my chest(I wasn't sure)only it wasn't a burp and it was just so weird and I've never heard a sound like that before and it also felt like something was "popping" as well and 2 of the neighbours still have their outdoor Christmas lights on,too!

Last night the 14 YR old was also lurking around my mother's bedside table and I heard a pill bottle(I keep mine locked in the medicine chest but she has trouble with the lock and just keeps hers on her bedside table) jingle and get knocked over and I got suspicious he was stealing them, esp. since 2 of his siblings have overdosed before when they were teens in suicide attempts so it makes me extra paranoid and vigilant(and suicide attempts in our family almost seem like a right of passage) esp. also since mental illness does run in our family(and I can even remember as well when I was a kid hearing my father tried too when Babushka wouldn't tell him where my mother and I were and he had to have his stomach pumped out,;drama,tragedy,and crisis seems to surround and follow me wherever I go, my entire life,and I've tried 7 times but failed; I can't even kill myself properly I'm such a failure) so I asked him what he was doing and he said just grabbing some chips out of her bag she has by her nightstand and I hope that's all it was but my suspicious nature(and our past) still makes me wary and cautious and I told him if he took anything to put it back and I checked on him in bed this morning and he's still alive, so, so far so good....Suicide is not one of those things you can really talk about,either, and my family doesn't even know about most of my attempts; I think they only know about 2 of them; it's something personal and  private you just don't discuss, kind of like masturbation, and besides, they wouldn't care,anyway, and I know the burden,stress, and strain attempts have on the rest of the family, based on what I went thru with my kids that tried and so it's just better no one knows, not that they'd care,anyway.

I’m a human being trying to stumble through my existence.


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