Saturday, January 29, 2022

Keep On Truckin'.

The Freedom Convoy of truckers has now reached Ottawa(it's such a long drive it took almost a week) now some 100 000 trucks from both here and USA and now farmers along with their tractors in support as well along with throngs of thousands of supporters cheering them along in every town and city along the way and Ottawa police warned people to stay home and away but of course they ignored it and came out to cheer and celebrate and support them anyway. We have had enough of their tyrannical COVIDian Regime mandates, lockdowns, restrictions, curfews, etc. and demand our freedom back! Not bad for a so-called small fringe minority with unacceptable views  as the PM calls us, belitting and demeaning the movement, and even calls us "racists" too, which is pretty "rich" coming from a piece of shit such as himself known for wearing blackface(as shown in the photo above) and when many of the truckers are minorities and immigrants. There was a  lone Confederate flag on a pick-up truck as well, likely a "plant" put there by the gov't to make the rest of us look bad,or else one "bad seed" but you can't blame an entire group of people for a few assholes;just like I was mugged by a Black guy when I lived in L.A. but I don't think all Black people or all Americans are criminals. Same thing. I'm sad as well my friend T( from Ottawa) I've known over 30 YRS also not only de-friended me on Facebook but even blocked  me because I support the truckers and the freedom movement while he prefers to stay under lockdown. It saddens me but freedom for everyone  is more important than one friendship but it's too bad that he's not mature enough to still remain friends but just disagree respectfully.😢

Guess also which chicken, scaredy-cat and coward is hiding, too, claiming he's been in contact with COVID and has to "isolate?" Trudeau. Pretty "funny" it happens now, when the convoy is here, and also ironic since he's had 3 vaccines, so why is he worried; unless, of course, they don't really actually work. Typical though of all dictators when they know the end is near and they're about to be toppled; they either hide in their bunkers or leave the country and go into exile. The RCMP also tried to block the Hutterites ( a pacifist Anabaptist religious group similar to Mennonites or Amish) from feeding the convoy as it passed by as well so they just drove to the next town and fed them there; there's always a way, and there's talk they might close off other routes and streets to try and stop the convoy, or even invoke the Emergency Measures War Act, bascially enacting Martial Law, which will just ignite the tinder box, and when I told my mother The 'revolution' is going well she cheered, GOOD!!! and this is our bloodless, non-violent rebellion and even the vaccinated truckers are joining in support for freedom and this is the first time in my life I've ever felt any sort of pride for this country(and that's really saying something!!) and even Elon Musk gave his support and it's even inspired truckers in other countries to start their own freedom convoys and in the meantime other countries have lifted their restrictions, and the convoy said they'll stay there 'as long as it takes", even into the summer, so Trudeau can't hide forever. They call us anarchists, extremists, etc. but really we're just regular people fed up with being oppressed and we're freedom fighters protesting.
This is a dam about to break.

It's also sooo cold out (-24 C feels like -33C) when Buddy goes to the bathroom he does a piss-sicle and a shitsicle, and he snuggles up as close as he can to me during the night in bed to keep warm and I love it, and he also keeps bringing me his toy to squeak for him,and my finger hurt and I looked and saw it was burned so I must have burned it lighting my bong and never even noticed, and I was even sitting out in a snowstorm smoking weed too because my heartless family still wouldn't let me smoke inside, and my mother shit on the floor as well(it plopped out of her diaper) and poor Buddy was whimpering, scared we'd think he did it and blame him and he'd get in trouble and I can't stop thinking about the shit on the floor; that image is just imprinted and burned into my brain; there are some things that you just can't un-see, and last night at 1 am I was woken by a strong burning smoke smell and I thought someone was burning something cookingbut being during the night it was suspicious and I feared another fire so I came down stairs and it was my mother; she was hungry during the night and microwaved a cup of ramen noodles only forgot to put the water in and it all burned and smoked all over(I'm suprised the smoke alarms didn't all go off!) and she had to open the back door to clear it out) and this morning I can still smell it! The 27 YR old said that's the third time  she almost caused a fire this week! She's a danger and maybe it's time for a Home for her? Yesterday and today my back, stomach,and abdomenal pain is soooo bad too( despite shitting all day; it's like that machine at Dairy Queen  that oozes out soft-serve ice cream and I don't know how one person can possibly manufacture so much shit!) I'm nauseated from the pain and I even wonder if something might even be twisted or blocked? I seriously think my colon is trying to kill me.

Some of us are just born pinatas, the social monster, the stress ball. On the bright side, your words will one day be heard correctly.- Shayne Coventry.


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