Tuesday, February 1, 2022


Yesterday we were informed from the 14 YR old's friend's mother that his friend's older brother just tested positive for COVID and, of course, he was just over there at their house 2 days ago, meaning that now we've all also been exposed to it,too.So now the waiting game begins as it takes generally 2 weeks from exposure for symptoms to start showing. I still don't regret NOT getting the vaccine though as I'd still much rather take a chance with the virus(and my own immune system) than be injected with God-knows-what experimental vaccine that the gov't is pushing trying to kill me,and if I do  end up dying, naturally and on my own terms,not  because of the gov't's population control agenda. besides, this could be my opportunity to finally be set free. Most people just get it mild though, like a cold and often don't even know they have it unless they test positive and if it's not your Time, it's not your Time. The 14 YR old also hissed to me If I get COVID and die it's your fault for raising me badly! (because I didn't let him get the Mark of The Beast; neither he, my hubby,or my mother got it; and it's because I care that I didn't as I don't want to risk  the side-effects such as heart-attack, stroke, or death, plus the fact that the gov't has an agenda behind it I want no part of as well.) and he sneered, As long as Buddy is ok that's all that matters! whatever that's supposed to mean. I also got reported again to Twitter from Germany for my posts but they can just kiss my ass and eat shit.Lecken mein Arsch und Scheisse essen!

As for the Freedom Convoy asshole Trudeau finally addressed it but refused to even meet with the protesters saying he "doesn't agree" with what they believe, so basically admitting he doesn't agree with freedom and still calls them "racists" etc. even though they are made up of a group of all races and religions and colours and the majority of people polled DO want an end to the oppressive COVID restrictions ands the gov't is also manipulating the media as well to make up lies to slander them and make them look bad too saying that they shit on Ottawa residents' lawns and pee on the war memorial and steal food from the homeless,etc. which isn't true but it's been so peaveful and NOT ONE SINGLE ARREST so they're desperate and have to make something up.it's just so pathetic, and even another person in the gov't in an opposing party slapped down the PM saying he should apologize to the peace-loving patriotic Canadians that ask to be heard and also reminded him of the Blackface that he's worn on occassion too, reminding him of who the racist really is, and when asked how long they plan to stay there someone wisely replied, 2 weeks, to 'flatten the curve' just like the gov't told us in the beginning....meanwhile here we are now, 3 YEARS later, and they're also trying to seize the over 7.5 million$ they've raised but they refuse to budge until all restrictions are lifted and the people's voices are heard. people say that we have less freedom here than they once had living behind the Iron Curtain as well and it disappoints me as well to hear Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have boycotted Spotify  for broadcasting anti-vax views too when back in the 60's they would have fought  for free speech and now here they are advocating for censorship. They are sell-outs.

I will never be one of the Beautiful People but I just hope to be one of the beautiful souls.


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