Monday, February 28, 2022

What Am I Missing?

The whole Russia-Ukraine conflict just doesn't make sense to me and there are just too many "holes." It just feels like soemthing isn't right here and something is missing. There's something that they're not telling us. It just doesn't add up. It's almost like it's a "staged" war. Take the above photo, for example, look at their guns; not really actual AK-47's but cardboard replicas. What exactly are they trying to prove here? What the actual fuck? Are these crisis actors staging a photo?It also seems odd that a superpower like Russia wouldn't have been able to completely take over a weaker nation like Ukraine in just a matter of one to 2 days with their superior firepower; it's like it's all for show,and yet no one else intervenes to stop them. Why? it seems cruel to just leave them all alone like that to be bullied and just stand by and do nothing, although the thinking may also be if other countries intervene it may trigger WWIII. Is this conflict perhaps merely a "diversion" to distract us from the COVID scamdemic? Have you noticed that now all of a sudden no one mentions COVID anymore and it's no longer headlining the news? I have always supported the old Soviet Russia before but this is simply unexplainable and it even leaves me baffled and I don't support it but it also leaves me with even more questions,too,and my life has also taught me that there is usually more to things than it appears on the surface and you have to look deeper to find the whole story, the full's not "paranoid"; it's factual and just reality. Things are not as they seem.

My hubby sneers that Putin is the real dictator; not Trudeau, but they can both be at the same time; it doesn't have to be one or the other, but Putin might also just be "cleaning house" too as Ukraine is also one of the worst in Europe for human trafficking and money laundering so there's also that(maybe why they don't intervene; they don't want to disturb their money laundering?), plus it's ruled by mobsters and gangsters,and there's talk that the resistance are Nazis,too(although the same thing was also said about the Freedom Convoy too and it wasn't true so you have to be careful and not believe everything you read or what the media tells you; you have to think for yourself. Does this sound right? Does this make sense? What's really going on here?) and thousands of refugees are now crossing the border into Poland and Canada is opening borders here,too, but I wonder if they also have to be vaccinated too since that's a requirement to enter the country, and now Russia has it's nuclear defences on alert as well, feeling ganged-up on and attacked by NATO countries sanctioning it  and it's all just like the Scamdemic,too; just fear-mongering(afraid of COVID, now afraid of war) as scared people are easier to control, and USA and Canada have nerve criticizing Russia when USA invades so many countries and plunders their resources and Canada just had their own people under Martial Law and has always treated the Indigenous People like shit; what can they say? Talk about hypocrites!

There's also thousands in this country in several cities protesting the invasion waving flags and honking horns(much like the Freedom Convoy) only they call this one a rally (and not a protest) and the authorities allow it and don't crush it like they did with the Freedom protests because they agree  with the cause and support it; they only squash it and forbid it if it disagrees with the gov't as they don't allow dissent, you know, like a dictatorship, and my hubby's off 2 weeks and he was originally planning on going to Edmonton and Vancouver to visit some of the kids but being unvaxxed he's banned from flying so he had to cancel because, you know, we live in a Police State, and it remains to be seen if they really actually will lift restrictions tomorrow like they say they will but no one really believes  anything the gov't says, and in any case, it still doesn't incl. travel bans, and yesterday I found a 5$ bill in the laundry,too; laundered money, and 2 of my candle wicks merged together to form 1 big flame, Twin Flames, and that's what I'm still hoping to find,too; my Twin Flame, and the closest I've found is my dog but I still hope to find my human version and then together we can shine even brighter ,and yesterday I also had a sore swollen throat so I'm probably getting a cold,and as a kid I was always called "weird" and as an adult "annoying" when all along I was just being me but unfortunately you can't run away from you.

Trust, but verify.- Russian proverb.


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