Thursday, March 3, 2022

My Boob.

Now I got your attention:Yesterday morning during my bath I noticed a swelling the size of a pea under my left boob just beneath the nipple.  Now normally this would be soemthing of concern you would worry about (breast cancer)but I've had so much crisis, trauma, misfortune, medical issues, etc. in my life that this is just yet another. Just one more added to the list. When I palpated it though it wasn't hard though and it doesn't hurt, it was squishy and not a lump, so maybe it's just scar tissue from  previous surgeries although I never noticed it there before. I had a mammogram a couple of years ago(and those things hurt; my god, it felt like my poor titties were being squished flat in a vice!) and at first they did think that they saw something "suspicious" and sent me for a follow-up ultrasound but then said it was nothing. I'm not going to worry about it though; I'll just keep an eye on it and see if it gets any bigger or if there's any other changes. There's really no sense in getting it checked anyway because even if it is cancer I'm not going to get chemo anyway(which I know they would try and push me to do) so what's really the point? Chemo makes you feel even sicker and feel worse than the actual cancer itself and I'd rather just be able to enjoy the time that I do have left, and besides, I'm ready to die anyway; I have been for a long time,and,in fact, I welcome it,and have been waiting for it,and am looking forward to it, so why would I ever do anything that would prevent it or prolong it?

Yesterday was also Ash Wednesday the start of Lent and a fasting day which is really hard when you have a stomach ulcer as an empty stomach aggravates it and my stomach really hurt and I also had one hell of a headache as well so to relieve it I could either eat or smoke guess which one I did? 😝
The vax passports finally ended as well( although they also said places have the "choice" to still ask for it if they want but it's NOT mandatory anymore, but who would and alienate and segregate and lose customers?) and just in a day my hubby already went out to a restaurant and to the cinema and once the travel restrictions also end and you don't need to be vaxxed to leave or enter the country I'm going back to Jamaica, and the other day the almost 15 YR old(later this month) went tobogganing with his friend and I still remember when I went tobogganing with my friends as a kid,too, but if I did it now I'd end up paralyzed, and I tried the new Burger King Jalapeno Bites  too and those things were just soooo good and my only complaint is that I should have got more!My mother and my dog are also both the same,too: both old and both do nothing but sleep all day!

It's also supposed to go up to an amazing 15 C on Sunday( it snowed yesterday) but rain, otherwise I'd be sitting my ass outside enjoying the sun, and I heard too they're making a sequel to that stupid 80's movie Beetlejiuce which was one of the dumbest movies ever( along with Howard The Duck, Little Shop Of Horrors, groundhog Day, and Lost In Translation) and I certainly won't be watching it; the original was bad enough and I saw a commercial for The Bachelor  as well and it was a group of slutty women chasing a man and it reminded me of a pack of lions on a hunt! Ewww!! I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch that crap! They couldn't even pay  me to watch that garbage!  My talent is also blowing smoke rings, turning my eyelids inside-out and putting my thumb down next to my wrist, and now with Russia being "Cancel Cultured" due to conflict in Ukraine it reminds me of kids fighting, You're not allowed to play in the sandbox anymore! Get out and go home! and being kicked out of the Popular Kids group, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand started WWI so I hope that they don't kill Ukraine Prez Zelensky and start WWIII and I heard a great many of celebs have made a deal with the devil and sold their soul for fame and fortune too and the saddest thing is that they don't think long-term; just in the present for the few short years of a lifespan but not for eternity where they will be forever separated from God, and it seems to be as well that most attractive people are nice to look at too but they're NOT usually "nice" people.

Some of the greatest people who’ve ever lived were not particularly beautiful, but they made a difference. Ultimately, looks don’t matter. Or they shouldn’t.-Marcy Stehling


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