Really not too much going on lately which is why I haven't had too much to post to update, incl. today but this is it:
My mother rubbed A5-35 on her sore shoulder and it smelled like wintergreen everywhere(luckily for me I like that smell) and it reminded me of those Lifesavers that I used to get in a "book" in my stocking at Christmas as a kid and the 27 YR old also made his Greek lamb stew with orzo and it always smells sooo good the aroma permeated thru the entire house, even wafting all the way up to the third floor and I could smell it all last night up in bed and the scent still lingers today! Imagine a scented candle or essential oils with that scent? Yum! Last night I also paged him with the Google Home Device (I was on the computer and he was in the livingroom) that his oven timer went off but he didn't hear it(I guess the TV was too loud) and then he got mad at me for not getting up off my fat lazy ass and coming in to tell him and then proceeded to bawl me out and tell me how useless I am even though I was busy and my foot hurt(my heel still) and it's not my job,and I was nice enough to even let him know in the first place(which I didn't even have to do) and that's the "thanks" I get and when I told him off for being such an asshole and a thankless ingrate he didn't even see what he did wrong and I told him the "useless fat ass comment". THIS is the exact kind of shit I'm talking about, how my toxic family regularly degrades and belittles me,and to such an extent that they aren't even aware of it because it's just the norm and they're so used to it.
The conflict in Ukraine also continues on and it used to be that society was conditioned to hate the unvaxxed but now it's Russians and the worst you can possibly be now and on the Cancel Culture Hit List is an unvaxxed Russian and there's also disturbing news reports coming out of Ukraine as well they're only letting white women and children( they're forcing all men 18-60 to remain behind and fight whether they want to or not) flee; NOT letting Black people cross the borders as refugees, racist Fascists, and yesterday my abdomenal pain was sooo bad and my ass felt like it was on fire as well and now I know what the Pacific Ring Of Fire feels like and my mother had her Oodie inside-out and the sherpa lining was on the outside and she looked like a giant sheep and I told Buddy who was hunting mice to eat, You're NOT hungry; you're just bored! Kelly Clarkson's show is also on just before my nightly news comes on so I always see the very end of it as I switch the channel over and she always says at the end Have a great day and if it's not great, well, change it! and my "version" of it would be Have a great day and if it's not great,well, f*ck it! and my hubby did a 4 HR chess exam as well he thought was "fun" and as much as I love reading and I have no problem with learning( even though it's hard for me to learn new things) exams have and never will be "fun" for me, and I saw somewhere too that The right person will never get tired of you but I guess then that there isn't any Right Person for me then because everyone eventually gets tired of me.
"Every sleeping person is exploited in ways which would horrify him if
he were to see them suddenly and fully." -Vernon Howard
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