Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Last night my hubby told me that the oldest tested positive for COVID and added, Not that you care.... and I ripped into him, What do you mean? I care alot! Why would you even say something like that? What's wrong with you? and then he clarified that he meant I didn't care about COVID, and he thinks that I don't even believe that it's real, and I do; I just don't think it's anywhere as near as bad as they say; it's just fear mongering and scare tactics to get people to comply to their mandates.It's nothing more than a psychological war tactic; control them thru fear. The oldest also sent me this photo but no more details even though I did e-mail him asking so I don't know why he took the test in the first place; if he was sick or if he just has to take it routinely for work,or what, but I hope he's ok, as well as his brother who also lives with him out in Edmonton, and he had the vaccine,too, which we all know doesn't work, obviously. Based on the photo here though he doesn't look sick, so that's good at least. Now mask mandates have also been lifted it's sad to still see so many people still wearing them,too, and now you can tell who is a free-thinker and who is a sheeple still living in fear and they say to still respect their personal choices and be tolerant of those that still choose to wear masks,too.....oh, you mean like how they were "respectful" and "tolerant" of those of us before who chose to not wear masks or get vaccinated?

I also woke up with one hell of a headache so it looks like we're going to get lots of rain today( they also forecasted freezing rain and ice pellets,too; ugh) and the youngest turns 15 on Friday, and I gave my mother a medicine bottle full of sugar she keeps by her bedside table for when her blood sugar gets too low she can just take a gulp to quickly bring it back up when she smells that ketone smell and it looks like a vial of coke, and my face got so sunburned being outside for the past 2-3 days too now it's all red, stings,and is peeling(I feel like a snake shedding its skin) and my eyes are even swollen! Buddy also loves buttertarts( without raisins, the way they should be; raisins are nasty little things; they're humiliated grapes, plus, they're also toxic to dogs as well as just plain gross) and whenever I give him some of mine his eyes literally just light up and his long anteater tongue slurps all over in sheer delight, and the squirrels have now also dug up the nuts they buried before winter,too, and now both our front and back yards are all filled with holes and the lawns look like minefields! We also had a big puddle/small flood all over the kitchen floor too so either the washing machine/dishwasher/fridge or ceiling must be leaking...

The 27 YR old also cracked a joke about wanting a nice big Black dick and I said I'd like one of those,too... and he said that it was gross and when I said he said it first so why is it ok for him but not for me he said he was only joking  but for me it's just gross, sad, and desperate, and I can't help but wonder as well if maybe the reason meat and gas prices are so high and unaffordable is to force people to go vegan and to buy electric cars, and it doesn't go unnoticed by me either that everyone is so quick to support Ukraine overwhelmingly in their conflict with Russia (and interesting as well how people are always so quick to jump on the "Bandwagon" so to speak of the next popular thing) but seems to have forgotten about the wars and refugees that are still taking place and in need in other places,too, such as Yemen, Syrian, Afghanistan, etc. as if they're somehow "less" important or "less" "deserving" in some way, and the NDP Party formed a coalition with the corrupt Liberals too which will keep Trudeau in power at least 2-3 more years and they're traitors and sell-outs! They used  to be good Socialists that fought for the common man, the working man, but not anymore. I even used to vote for them, but no more. Now I feel betrayed and I'm not the only one. I hate this country more and more all the time.

Go big or go home.


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