Sunday, March 27, 2022


Look what happened yesterday! My candle basically exploded! I heard a loud pop! sound and then I saw a chunk of glass from the jar it was in went flying off and landed on the coffee table( luckily it didn't hit Buddy or I who were sitting just inches away from it!) and then a huge crack ripped all down the side and then a big hole broke off and the candle flame shot out sideways and I had to quickly grab the lid and smother the flame before it could catch on to something else on the table and catch fire! This is why you never leave a lit candle unattended  and if you have to leave the room,even for a second you blow it out first, even if you just leave to go to the bathroom; blow it out and then re-light it when you come back. It just takes a second for something like this to happen and if I wasn't right there it would have caught fire and we already had one  fire before and I know how fast it spreads; when I first saw it, it was just a bit along the bottom of the floor and I went just across the hall to grab the fire extinguisher, mere seconds, and when I got back the entire wall and ceiling  was already all engulfed in flames! yes, that's how fast it spreads. I checked it out afterwards and I noticed the wick was extra long and part of it had burned off into 2 pieces and was burning along the side of the glass and I guess it just got too hot and broke the glass with the heat. Holy shit though! It was scary!

My mother's top she ordered also arrived from Amazon yesterday so she got it in time, luckily, and I also heard the Academy Awards is on tonight too and I never watch any of those lame awards shows and I didn't even know which movies are even up for Best Picture nomination,either, partly because I'm out-of-touch with modern popular culture and also partly because I don't give a shit, but for the fun of it I checked and not only have I never seen any of them, I've never even heard of any of them,either, except for Dune, as I remember watching a movie with that same name back in the 80's so it's probably just another lame remake. I also saw the brown rabbit in our backyard again, and the washing machine didn't work after the plumbers were here at first and then realized it never had any water; they had forgotten to turn the water back on so then it was fine.....and no more leaks! The 15 YR old also got a new Kirby  game for the Switch  for his birthday and they have a level called Grassland and it cracked me up and I found it hilarious; I wonder if their main crop is cannabis? My mother also gave him his birthday cards and it said happy 14th birthday even though he's 15 and he had a good laugh and I re-wrote "15" on it and then I said to check the date(she always writes the date on) and it said "2021" so we had a double laugh thinking she put both  the wrong age and year on it....but then it turned out she just gave him the wrong cards; they were his ones from last year but it was still funny!

US Prez Biden also said about Putin that he "cannot remain in power" and Putin took it to mean to overthrow his gov't but I took it to mean he has a "hit" out on him, but either way it's not good and those are words of war, and my hubby still wants to go to BC to visit the girls but can't even fly within this country(like in North Korea!) being unvaxxed( you know, like in a dictatorship!) or even take a train and he doesn't want to drive(the only other option) as it would take a week, so we're still NOT really  "free: and "democracy" in this country is just an illusion, and that's an indication of no freedom, when you're not even free to move about or to leave your own country!  I also don't know what I hate more  about my hubby,either; that he gaslights me or that he likes redneck country music, or that he won't let me watch the news in peace without redneck sports ruining it, and I have this feeling that something is about to "break", and I learned as well NOT to cough, sneeze, or burp into your bong either as it ejects your weed out, and I have trouble getting my shirts on backwards or inside-out too but at least with my grey shirt it's easy as I know the hole under the armpit goes on the right side, and this morning when I took Buddy out it was - 8 C and we had SNOW flurries! He has boogers in his  nose and is sneezing too, like he also has a cold, but according to my hubby it must be because he's not wearing a mask! 😂

A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you.


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