Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hey, Culligan Man!

Yesterday it was sunny so Buddy and I sat outside for a few hours and the sun and fresh air did wonders for my recovery and I felt so much better; vitamin D and the sun is the best therapy and I felt like a wilted plant that just perked up being exposed to the sun although this morning I feel even more dizzy and faint than before and I left the back door open so he could come in and out to eat and I didn't know that the Culligan  water man was over for the annual maintenance for our water filtration system so he was back and forth in the basement and in the kitchen so he would have heard me loudly singing aloud from the back porch thru the open door, incl when I belted out, Ooh, baby, baby, ooh, baby, baby! Push it! Push it good! Push it! Push it real good! and then just as I started to nod off to sleep in the sun in my recliner chair he came out the back door onto the porch and woke me up, startling me awake, so I could sign the worksheet. So that was my excitement for the day. Ha! The washing machine also flooded the kitchen floor again but the plumbers are coming back Thursday to start the big job of widening the drain.

Today my back is still really sore too it feels like my spine is going to snap in half and I just want to scream, and I knew yesterday it must have been some good weed too as I was listening to a KISS song and thought to myself, This is a good song! I really like it! I wonder if I have it on my iPod? not realizing that I was listening to it on my iPod, and my hubby doesn't like AC/DC  if you can believe it; I mean who doesn't like AC/DC? I honestly think he's the only person I've ever met who doesn't like them, and my mother always makes this uh,uh,uh noise that drives me crazy, and kids are like mice and squirrels too; they're cute but they're a pain in the ass.

My dog is my only love and weed and music is my only escape.


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