Wednesday, April 13, 2022

I'm Back!

After being sick and feeling half-dead with COVID for 11 long days I'm finally baaacck! On day 11 my appetite was finally back and I was hungry once again and started eating and then on day 12 (yesterday) I felt a "spark", and like I was finally me again and was back in the Land of The Living once again! It took awhile but I kicked COVID's ass and I made it thru! I'm pretty sure I had another version of it 2 years ago, also in April as for 3 days I didn't have any sense of smell, as well as a really bad headache the first day, but that was it; it was short and mild; this time it was much worse and lasted much longer and I didn't think it affected my smell or taste although it  probably did somewhat more than I realized as yesterday when I ate that big fat burrito it was actually spicy  and burned my lips and I normally don't  notice spice and can tolerate things really hot so that's something different. I had the same thing happen before after I had an anesthetic as well and ate afterwards; it was overly spicy so somhow my taste had been affected by either the drugs or the tube I had down my throat. Now I just have a bit of cough left and some congestion but at least I don't feel like I'm dying any more. I didn't take my daily Metamucil for the 11 days I was sick either but had a break since I had diarrhrea and now I'm better my heel is really sore again as well. Tomorrow my mother sees her doc about her X-ray results so I hope it's nothing bad, esp. since they had her have it re-done...

Yesterday it got up to a balmy 17 C and it was a nice outside day but rain today and in Manitoba they're getting a blizzard; 50 cm of snow and in some places even up to 80cm, and Buddy's friend had her puppies last week as well; 6 of them, which is a big litter for a small dog( she's half miniature poodle and half Shih Tzu) and it's her first litter too so the poor thing is overwhelmed so they're helping her by feeding the pups with goat's milk in tiny little bottles as well, and my iPod updated and locked me out as it wants the password and I can never remember it so now I can't use it for my music, and now the gov't decreed that anyone arriving internationally has to wear a mask for 14 days upon arrival which is stupid and besides, how are they even going to know,anyway? What are they going to do; assign gov't agents to spy on everyone and follow them around to make sure they are? The Ottawa school board is also trying to still force staff and students to keep wearing the face diapers even though it's no longer provincially mandated(yet another reason I'm so glad we've always homeschooled!) but everything in Ottawa has always  been over-reaching, intrusive, Big Brother, all aspects of gov't,administration, etc.more so than everywhere else I've ever lived.

The strong should not oppress the weak.- Hammurabi.


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