Saturday, April 16, 2022

My Ear.

Now not only does my right ear still hurt( now day 3, or maybe 4, I can't keep track) but now both my ears hurt and my throat is starting to feel sore,too, so I checked to see if maybe it was a complication following COVID but apparantly it's not; it's uncommon and NOT related so it's something entirely separate so maybe I'm just getting a cold now, after the virus? If it's not one thing it's something else but it's always something! For relief I put hydrodrine peroxide in to fizz up and clean it and I also use warm water soaks, soothe it with warm smoke and ear candling. I always try to use natural methods first if possible.I also noticed as well that most of my eyebrows have fallen out and I only have a few mere hairs left, the ones nearest to my nose bridge and it's all scaly, scabby and flaky there now and last night it was itchy too and when I scratched it it started bleeding so maybe it's some kind of dermatitis, or something? With practically no eyebrows I sort of look like an alien but I rarely go out anywhere anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter. I do wonder what caused it though...My brain is always out-of-focus as well and the other day I referred to a character in a TV show as "Howard" too when his name is actually "Harold" and I do stuff like that alot.

My Facebook friend who said he was going to kill himself did cut his wrists but he also checked himself into the hospital as well so I'm glad to hear that he'll be getting the help he needs and that he'll be safe and I hope that he feels better and that life gets better for him as I was really worried about him and kept thinking about him all the other night, and we have to get more Easter chocolate for tomorrow as well as we checked it(we had it in a closet with a door) as the damn mice ate it! There's big chunks and bites and holes eaten out of them! I told  them NOT  to put them there as the mice will get them but as always no one ever listens to me; I guess because I'm on the Spectrum and they think I don't know anything even though alot of time I end up being right probably because  I see things from a different perspective and can see things in a way others don't, so I can see things they don't, and I can't believe it's been a year already since the 18 YR old left for BC. She was only supposed to visit (but ended up staying and moving there)otherwise I never would have let her borrow my luggage as now I'm never going to get it back and I love  that suitcase and I paid 200$ for it and it's my only one! If ever she comes back to visit she had better bring back my beloved luggage!

Know when to give up and just smoke a joint.


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