Well, holy shit, guess who tested positive for COVID? I did! If you look closely you can see a faint line on the test above at the bottom; a thick one on top to show it worked and a thin one below to show a positive result. It was to have been taken around day 6 of symptoms and I'm into day 10 which is probably why it isn't as strong but it's still a positive! My hubby suspected I have it and picked up the test for me today when he was out. It actually has 5 tests in the one pack and when I first opened it up I was overhwlemed by all the parts; over 20 pieces and I thought it was too complicated I'll never be able to figure out how to use it; you need a PhD in biology to figure it out but it was just 5 pieces or so per test so I slowly went thru it step-by-step and figured it out after reading and re-reading the directions several times. I had to shove a long Q-Tip type swab thing waaay up my nose, it felt like practically all the way up into my brain it went so deep in, I heard a pop! sound and I started to sneeze(it was creepy!) and when I slowly extracted it out there was a huge gob of clear thick sticky mucus on it so I knew I must have got enough. I had to prepare a few steps and mix a solution, like a science lab experiement and then wait 15 minutes, reminding me of the old pregnancy tests I took when I had my first baby back in 1989. Right away the first line showed up but not the other so I thought it was negative but then in the last 5 minutes the faint positive line showed up! I was surprised actually since I never had a sore throat or loss of smell or taste but it would explain why I still feel so sick even though everyone else recovered.
Today I still feel like shit; really weak, feel faint, nauseated, "raw" feeling in stomach, zero appetite, no energy, and all I want to do is sleep all day. I don't even want chocolate or to smoke weed; that's how I know I'm in really bad shape! I also still have the diarrhrea as well. Buddy is also worried about me and keeps whimpering and whining. He's just so sweet! At least my cough seems to be getting better and I haven't needed any cough medicine in a couple of days so that's something. It's so unfair though that I got so sick since I mostly just stay at home and hardly ever even go out anywhere, just out to the store once every month or even less. My hubby was the one who brought it into the house and gave it to me.At least now I know why I feel extra sick this time and why it's taking longer than usual to get better. I still much prefer this to the risks of the Clot-Shot though, such as myocarditis, blood clots, stroke, etc.and then I'll also have my own natural immunity.
But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?- Mark Twain
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