Saturday, April 9, 2022

Re-Post From Last Year.



I got censored again yesterday on Facebook  for posting the above. They always censor anything anti-vax or anti-scamdemic , only proving my point even stronger that all this is nothing more than an oppressive Police State and tyranny that crushes our rights and freedoms. Censorship is Fascism! I just simply keep re-posting it. Simple. I will NOT  be censored, or silenced, or go away, or conform, or shut-up, or stop speaking my truth, etc. After that I tried to post something about love and then a message showed up saying it will be "reviewed" and appear in my feed when approved so I guess I'm under careful "watch" now and being monitored. I can't even tell you how many times I've been temporarily banned and put in Facebook "jail" for posting truth they don't like and don't want exposed, mostly about the "pandemic", being critical of it or about soemthing pro-life. Freedom of speech and opinion contrary to what is popular and allowed and what all the propaganda and indoctrination is feeding the masses is unacceptable and must be silenced and stopped according to Big Brother  and dissent and opposition and questioning is verboten but I don't play by those rules. I think for myself, I follow God,and I go my own way, and I will always speak out openly against injustice and oppression. I've never been one to go along with the crowd and I'm not going to start now.

One of my cousins in Europe also got her 2nd vaccine and my friend T( in Ottawa) and his wife got their first one, but not for me,man, no way. I'll pass. I simply don't trust anything  that the gov't is pushing so aggressively and besides, it's just too new and relatively untested and the true long-term side-effects just aren't known yet. I also think the virus really isn't as bad as they're making it out to be; that they're just exaggerating it to scare the sheeple  into blind submission, compliance and obedience and making the numbers look way worse than they actually are so they can control people. Control the masses thru fear. It's a well-known war tactic.

I also found out there's going to be a marijuana dispensary right here in town and I'm so excited I'll be like a kid in a candy store and can't wait until it opens whenever that will be, and I realized as well most of my friends I knew growing up are now mostly all doctors, lawyers, accountants,PhD's, on Wall St, etc. and here I am, yesterday I spent the day cleaning out bong residue and picking up dog shit. My Social Phobia is so bad too when I'm on Facebook  and someone comes live on Messenger and wants to "talk" live with me I get all nervous, anxious and scared and scurry off off-line as I prefer communicating with people by typing and not face-to-face.
It says:
"Living area for unvaccinated. Access forbidden."
Does this not scare you?

Just do your thing, hold your head up high,and ignore the f*ckers.

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