Monday, April 4, 2022


I still feel like utter shit and I can hardly stand or even sit without feeling faint and not only are my legs restless but my entire body is and i feel so agitated, making it really hard to fall asleep at night,and my back hurts sooo much too I just want to scream, and it feels like something's just invaded my body and taken over and even the simple mundane things like doing laundry or putting a pillowcase on a pillow are monumental tasks( even being sick people still need clean clothes and towels and need to be fed; I just rest in-between) and the others just had mild headaches with their virus and not blinding ones like I had and none of them had the diarrhrea or vomiting like I did,either; I always seem to have everything much worse all the time. I try to get as much sleep as I can and yesterday every time I'd try to drift off to sleep Buddy would loudly keep barking to wake me up, it was almost as if he was afraid I wouldn't wake up, not letting me ever get into too deep a sleep, and when I did that one time and didn't wake up to his barking(I vaguely remember hearing a dog barking in the distance and then started to "come to" and realized that sounds like Buddy! and I woke up) he went over to my mother and furiously was barking at her, as if to alert her! At least my appetite is starting to come back though which is a good sign I must be starting to get better, and my 2 new fave. foods are now giant pasta shells stuffed with turkey( seen here) ,and pistachio ice cream! yum!

This morning I also saw a discarded mask on the grass I used to wipe Buddy's ass; the only thing it's good for, and it's sad too to still see so many of the brainwashed sheeple wearing masks even though the mandate has been lifted; socially conditioned and still living in fear, and Buddy and I have a deep spiritual connection as well and I've never had a bond with anyone like I do with him and I wonder if my family has ever thought how it's going to affect me and how I'm going to react once he dies, and the girls in Vancouver have to find a new apt. too as my hubby says they're putting the rent up,and last night my mother asked me if they mentioned the shooting in California on the news and they never did....but this morning they did on the radio...because it didn't even happen until 2 am this morning  so she somehow knew about it before it even happened, and it was in Sacramento,too. A few of us in our family have that gift of knowing things ahead of time,and when your kids are under 18 you worry someone will report you to Child Welfare for some stupid little thing and once they're 18 you worry they could be conscripted to war someday so a parent's worry never ends, and now it's not only Lent but also Ramadan and Passover as well, all 3 occurring at the same time so I wonder if there's any spiritual significance or prophecy here?

Let us not be too particular; it is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all.- Mark Twain.


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