Thursday, May 26, 2022

A Little Bit Of This.

I did research on senior dogs excessive night-time panting and the most common cause is Cushings Disease which is also common in older Dachshunds, and it's when the adrenal gland over-produces the stress hormone cortisol and causes hair loss, a pot belly, darkening skin, night panting, and increased hunger and thirst....all of which Buddy has so it's probably that, but unfortunately there's no cure. Other causes are over-heating, pain, anxiety, or heart and/or lung failure. In any case, last night in bed I put the A/C on to keep him cool and gave him some CBD oil for pain and anxiety and he was ok and relaxed last night and no "episodes." I also have a rattling sound in my left ear and I can feel something moving around when I shake my head too so I put hydrogen peroxide in there to clean it out as I must have wax in there and my liver area still hurts(and feels all heavy and hard like it's full of cement and expanding) as well as my abdomen and back. My arhtritis is extra bad as well and I'm so stiff and sore I feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard Of Oz.

One of my cousins in Europe also flew to Edinburgh (I loved Edinburgh; it's such a beautiful old city) on business for 2 days so his job paid for it and that's another one of the good things about Europe too is evertyhing is so close, unlike here it's so vast it takes forever to travel anywhere, even by plane, and I heard on the radio today a 12 year old girl in town was charged with arson for torching an empty house and kids today are just soooo bad I'm sooo glad we homeschool and I've never regretted our decision and with the school shooting in Texas(it seems the worst gun nuts are always in Texas and I just can't wrap my head around Americans' sick obsession with guns!) it just reminds me that we made the right choice as well, and yesterday an American posted online she's glad her kids go to 4 different schools in case of a school shooting at least that way they won't all be killed and that was the saddest thing ever.I wonder as well with my fave. Facebook friend(she's bipolar like me!) maybe she really didn't de-friend and block me afterall but maybe just had her account suspended or something too as the last post I remember her posting was saying she wanted to stab her son-in-law so maybe FB took that as threatening and suspended her account? In any case, I hope she's ok and I hope she comes back.

Last night everyone also got snacks from KFC but i didn't want KFC and wanted mine from somewhere else and my hubby was mad he had to go to 2 places( although if it was my mother or the 15 YR old he wouldn't care it's just not worth it for me) and I told him I thought we get to choose what we want for snacks and we're not told what we have to have? and he snarked why can't I just have what everyone else is having and I reminded him that I've never gone along with everyone else but go my own way and he snarled, yeah, yeah,,, and he's always trying to contradict and sabotage me with Buddy too and telling him to disobey me and my commands, if I tell him to stay he'll call him to come, for example, or I tell him to not do/go something/somewhere he'll encourage him to do the opposite, and I told him off and he smirked, it's my job! and I told him he's an asshole. I really hate him; all he does is purposely piss me off. He's a shit-disturber. I think one of the 27 YR old's friends also bought a puppy from Buddy's friend's litter too as they described it sounded just like them and said they might name it Jordy which also happens to be the name of one of Buddy's friends and his hooman told me just last week the pups were ready to be sold...

I also saw the neighbour I call Mr.Sunflower (because he always has nice sunflowers every year) every time his wife comes back he waits for her on the veranda and then goes and meets her as she pulls into the driveway and carries her purse for her and I think that's just the sweetest, most loving and caring thing ever. he must really love his woman, unlike my hubby who I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to kill me.(poison) and yesterday trying to get 2 songs on my iPod  it either got hacked or I accidently downloaded a virus or I don't know what but the songs never did appear but instead these really stupid things that sound like a little kid came up and there was 27 of them so I had to delete them from the device and my computer and it was just such a pain in the ass and once again something that can't ever go right for me. I think I must be a jinx. I have the worst "luck" ever.

Goodbye doesn't mean forever Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean We'll never be together again.-David Gates


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Tuesday Thoughts.

This year just started and it already feels like i should kill myself-User000000