Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Chicken Helper.

I originally was going to do this post tomorrow but then decided to do it now in case I'm dead tomorrow(I'll explain later). Yesterday I had planned on cooking Hamburger Helper (which I had heard referred to as Poor People Food, and I used to have it as a kid once a week growing up and we were far from poor; my mother just worked and didn't have much time and it was quick and easy, but now the label fits accordingly) but when I took the ground beef out of the fridge it looked gross; I mean nasty; it was a greyish-brown colour and smelled rotten so I threw it out and checked the expiry date, which was 2 days ago. Great. Just great. My hubby bought expiring meat at the grocery just 3 days ago. So then we found another one in the deep-freezer but it had a January date on it and my hubby said if frozen it lasts forever  and I said that's just for other frozen things like peas and stuff, but not meat, but then I remembered we had some seasoned chicken in the fridge so I just substituted  the hamburger/ground beef and put the chicken in instead,and voila: 
Chicken Helper!
It was saltier than with the beef and it was a smaller amount but all-in-all, it was ok!

I was also sitting outside( not getting sun as it was cloudy and I think we're going to get a shitload of rain because I have one hell of a headache!) when I heard, very clearly and loudly, in a deep man's voice, Someone in this house will die any day now and it sounded distinctly outside of my head,and, in fact, sounded from the direction of behind me, from behind the fence, as if people were walking by. It's just so bizarre though I'm still not sure if it's real or if I imagined it and it's a hallucination, or perhaps maybe even a revelation,and if so, I just hope it's me  that dies, and not anyone else, and extra worrisome since it is May and something bad always happens in May and this is why I posted this today and didn't leave it until tomorrow just in case I'm not here  tomorrow( like,say, I die in my sleep or something) and I don't want to leave anything unsaid( and anyone that knows me knows it!) I just hope to God that it's NOT one of the kids, though,and NOT my sweet Buddy, or if it is, that at least we both go together.

Today I also saw a purple Jeep go by(yes, 2 girls were in it) and it was a light lilac purple colour and I just love it! It was so cool! On the 9th the second-youngest also turns 19, and it's Mother's Day on Sunday as well; a day I always dread as the kids don't even send me cards or phone me or acknowledge it in any way. I also told my hubby that I don't know what I want yet for my Mother's Day gift but when I find something I like I'll let him know and he said, You're NOT my mother! You'll have to ask the kids! I also heard abortion might soon be illegal(or at least restricted) in USA,too, and that's great news as more preborn lives will be saved! If all other  forms of murder is illegal then why not  abortion,too? What took them so long? They're hypocrites as well; saying My body, my choice demanding abortion "rights" (what about the baby's right to live?) yet didn't defend those same body autonomy  rights for the unvaccinated  when vaccines were being forced onto them?

Good enough is all you get from me.


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