I went on my annual wild lilac hunt where I got lilacs from a public area along the waterfront where it belongs to everyone and it was just the perfect time too as they were all open. There's just a very narrow window of opportunity as they don't stay in bloom for long and this was just the exact perfect time. I used to just rip them off with my bare hands but my hubby gave me a small clippers I can use in my hand which I have to say made it quicker and much easier....and no scratches on my arms, either! I saw a tiny bird's nest in one of the branches as I was lifting it down lower to reach some and my hubby goes I hope you didn't disturb the nest. No, actually, I plucked it off and threw it to the ground and stomped on it. Of course I left it alone, duh! I now have lilacs in the livingroom, rec-room,and dining room and now the entire main floor of the house has the wonderful aroma of lilacs( nothing smells better than lilacs!) and when you come downstairs first thing in the morning all you can smell is lilacs. Mmmmmm!! I have always loved lilacs, ever since I was a little kid, and wanted them in my wedding bouquet but since I got married in December(and May is lilac season) I never did, plus I never even had a bouquet but maybe I will for my funeral, esp. since most people in my family do die in May so it's more likely. We're also supposed to have a bad storm today, the kind that produces tornadoes, so our BBQ won't be until Monday and it was on the holiday May weekend we had the fire,too, so now every Victoria Day weekend ever since I always wonder if something bad will happen again.
One of my cousins also bred his Pit Bull and hopes to have puppies and when they mated they had 3 successful "ties" so it's at least a 90% chance she's pregnant, and I gave Buddy a bath yesterday ( I don't do often as the bending over kills my back but he was stinky and sticky) and now he hates me and is shunning me, being a diva, ha,ha, and the other day the neighbours next-door were smoking weed and he thought it was me and he looked at me in that judgemental way that he does but then saw that my hands were free and realized that it wasn't me and then he looked really confused and put his snoot up in the air sniffing,trying to determine where the smell was coming from! It was so funny! I also had a scary nightmare he got shot and killed when I had him out for a walk and it woke me up and I was so relieved it wasn't real,and the other day I heard a fluttering sound in the rec-room that sounded like wings so was a bird flying around in there, coming in from outside, or a bat perhaps, or maybe even an angel? Buddy heard it too and was agitated.
My mother also took my Bubly carbonated water without even asking, thinking nothing of it, and I hate it how people just disrespect me and my things like that and just take my stuff, and she hates it that I'm trying to keep her alive and urge her to stick to her diabetic diet and she snarked, Just to pay the bills! and then added, You should treat me better! HA! She's one to talk! She's the one that treats me like shit and then she acts like she's the "victim!" Classic narcississist.I also had a revelation that there's 1 universal religion and that it's love and that all religions that worship the one True God of all creation lead to God, just like how many paths lead to the same destination, and the new Phillippine leader is Ferdinand "Bong Bong" Marcos. Bong Bong? I can't say that without laughing and every time I hear it I think about smoking my bong, and I can still remember when his father was dictator back in the 80's and how low-down it was that USA gave him asylum in Hawaii.
Live by the harmless untruths that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy.-Kurt Vonnegut.
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