Monday, May 9, 2022

Muttertag Und Das Radio.

Yesterday for Mother's Day my mother and I had French Onion soup for lunch and an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.  We also exchanged cards and wished eachother a happy Mother's day but other than that it was just like any other plain usual ordinary Sunday. Only the 27 YR old  remembered to say Happy Mother's Day! to me around 3 pm but that was it. Nothing at all from any of the other kids; not a gift, a card, or even a phonecall or even an e-mail; they never even acknowledged the day at all even though I spent most of my life raising and homeschooling them,and it hurt to see all my friends posting on Facebook about how much their kids love them and their cards, flowers, gifts, etc. they got when my ingrate kids couldn't care less. It kind of reminds me of the Bible story where Jesus healed 10 lepers and only one thanked Hm and He said, Were there not 10? Were are the other 9? I birthed 11 kids yet only one even bothered to wish me a happy Mother's Day. 2 are gone now, but what about the other 8? I tried not to let it bother me though and just try to consider where it comes from and it says more about them than it does about me. I also saw someone posted up on Twitter how their mother had 17 kids and people think that  have alot having 11 but she's my hero!  I once knew someone at our old homeschooling group in Ottawa that had 14 kids.

This morning my hubby has a doc app't as I noticed he has these 2 big brown moles on his back( and he's never exposed to the sun, unlike me) and I think they look bigger than they should be and could possibly be melanoma so I suggested it might be wise to have them biopsed like that one I had on my shoulder before, and the other day I came in once the sun went off the porch (I was outside) and it started to get cold and I wanted to watch some Monty Python on TV and I figured the TV would be free since my mother was in bed( as usual) and the 27 YR old was at work and the 15 YR old was over at his friend's house....but there was my hubby, watching something, so I told him the next day( which also happened to be Mother's Day) that I'll be in at 4 pm and want to reserve the TV to watch....and yet, there he was again so I still couldn't watch, not even on Mother's Day, and when we went out to the store the other day my drink sloshed around in the car cup holder and spilled a bit and he freaked out and got mad at me; everything about me just annoys him and even though he is such a colossal asshole the other day it was 10;30 and I didn't think he was awake yet I was actually worried maybe he had died and I got a sick, scary feeling in the pit of my stomach; even though he basically ruined my life and meeting him is one of my biggest regrets I still don't want him to die; I just want him to stop being such an asshole and to be nicer to me.

Today is also this one's birthday; she's 19, which means we've been living here in this house for 19 years already too since we moved in when I was 5 months prego with her. Hard to believe,and this is the longest we've lived anywhere; even longer than we lived in Ottawa or even Toronto! My arthritis has also been sooo extra bad lately too I wonder if I might even have Lyme disease or something too which caused it and it's possible since I have picked a few ticks off Buddy(and one just the other day off his paw after a romp in our grass in the yard) and I also saw a golden finch, and Buddy woke up during the night gasping for breath and it made me wonder if maybe he has sleep apnea or soemthing and sometimes he'll also when he's awake quickly jerk his head back, as if something is coming towards his face like a bug or something even though I don't see anything, and the other day I prayed and asked God how I'm going to die too and just then Billy Squire's song The Stroke played on my iPod  and went Stroke me, stroke me... so I don't know if that was the answer or just a funny coincidence but if it is then God has a funny sense of humour!

I also listen to this radio show every Saturday morning where they play songs from the 60's, 70's,and 80's I listen to on an app on my iPod  but it's hard taking it outside because I keep losing my wifi and it keeps saying no Internet connection  and I end up missing most of the show yet when it's nice outside I also don't want to be stuck inside either to listen to it but I don't want to miss it either so I figure I might have to buy a cheap old-fashioned transister radio (if they even still exist) to bring outside with me or else a clock radio using an extension cord and plug it in the kitchen and run the cord out onto the back porch to listen outside....but my hubby had an even better idea: he said get a Bluetooth speaker(I can bring with me outside) I can sync up to the iPod (while leaving it inside) so we did and it works! I didn't even know such a thing existed but this is so much easier! Usually technology is a pain in the ass and frustrates me to no end but this is good  and actually really helpful!

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.- Don Corleone.


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