Despite a high dose of diuretics(double the dose I had before) my fluid retention ,edema, and swelling is still so bad and I really noticed it the other day when I saw my foot swelling out of my foot bandage that I use for my heel,seen here. You can clearly see how much swelling there is. It normally indicates heart or kidney issues yet when I brigh it up with my doctor he just shrugs and shows no concern. WTF? I think it looks pretty bad and it shows the tell-tale "pitting" edema too when you press a finger down on it it stays down there for awhile too leaving an imprint, like on dough, before it pops back up into place, an indicator that it's bad. I have bad night sweats lately as well( even with the A/C on!) the front part of my T-shirt is wet and the sweat smells all "yeasty." I suppose the sweats must just be due to my menopause but there could also be some medical cause as well but with me you never know. I am a medical marvel, ha, ha.I'm also mad at my hubby as yesterday he got food( subs and a burrito) for him, my mother,and the 15 YR old( the 27 YR old was at work) but nothing for me, leaving me out as always and it hurts and I'm sick of it. Like it or not, I'm still part of the family and it's just cruel to leave one person out all the time.
These are also tulips from our garden at the front I had to pick(I also got the same amount again this morning) so that the wild rabbits don't eat the petals.I also found out the hard way to not ever, under any circumstances, to ever again spray mosquito repellent on when you also have a sunburn! Just don't! Ouch! I swear as well for every dandilion that I yank up out of the lawn that 2 more grow back in it's place,and it just got so overwhelming that I eventually just gave up. I know they say you should just keep them as they "help the pollinators" well f*ck the pollinators; they also look really ghetto. The squirrels also ate pretty well all of the blossoms off of the neighbour's fruit tree as well; there's less than a dozen blossoms left now, those things are such pests, and I no longer support the charities I used to Ronald McDonald House and Tim Hortons Camp since I found out that they now only accept kids and families that have been vaccinated, which is discrimination, excluding people, and the Ronald McDonald House(which lodges sick children and their families while receiving treatment away from home) even went as far as to kick out kids and families that were unvaxxed! So much for being "charitable!"
I also saw this on Quora about living with autism from Harvestberry Farms and it's just so perfect, so exact, and describes perfectly how I feel and how my life is as well so I share it here with you,too:
As for me, I’ve been outcast my entire life. I’ve struggled to communicate with people to the point that I generally end up sitting by myself at functions, ostracized because I said something that offended everyone in the room, and having no idea why, or because I don’t know how to enter the conversation or what to say. Friends and co-workers would often get mad at me, but I would never have a clue what it was that I said or did. I felt like there was just something about me that made everyone dislike me, but I couldn’t understand what. I would sometimes overhear people comment to each other that I was “weird”, but I could not understand what it was that I was doing to make them feel that way. I tried so hard to pretend to be “like everyone else”, but evidently, I just didn’t get it right because it didn’t help.
“I have reached the end but not the conclusion”
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