Yesterday it took me 11 hours to do laundry.
Yes, you read that right. 11 hours.
The load was only half full so I had room to put my duvet in yet the stupid thing wouldn't work; it got 'stuck" part way so I re-arranged the load and started over and then just when you think it was almost done and only had a few minutes left on the timer and it was almost done the spin cycle it would re-start all over again and the time would keep going up and add more time.....12 more minutes....17 more minutes.....30 more minutes....another hour....and so on and so on and it just kept going. I eventually just gave up and had a nap and left it all in a washing machine full of water soaking wet. F*ck it. I had enough. After my siesta I just divided it out into 2 loads( something I swore I'd never do as it takes twice as long) and re-did it and it finally worked but took all day and I'd started at 7:30 am and it wasn't all dry until 6: 30 pm. The story of my life. Nothing can ever just go easy for me or work out right or go the way it's supposed to, can it?
I also found a sammich in a baggie on our grass at the front of the house so my guess is it's from someone's lunch and it fell out, and now the dandilions are more than the amount of grass we have; it's outnumbered,and years ago we used to have the chemical company spray our lawn for dandilions but then "thanks" to the enviro-freaks they passed a law banning pesticides and had to switch to some organic fungus crap that didn't even work so we stopped it. We couldn't afford it now,anyway. Now I wear bug repellent for the mosquitoes I don't smell like weed anymore at least and I can tell it's the warm season now too my coconut oil has changed into a liquid and is no longer a solid. It was my cousin's birthday yesterday as well and she's away on a world cruise for 2-3 months, the lucky duck! Someone also said a guy on Facebook made a comment that she looks masculine and said that he probably didn't think anything more about it but that it made her sad all day and I can really relate to that and people just have no idea how hurtful their comments can be and how much they can affect someone.
My hubby is also really into his new health kick now with his diabetic diet( unlike my mother who just doesn't give a shit and cheats) and now his pizza id grilled chicken and spinach instead of his usual pepperoni and bacon, and he got a new indoor grill to grill chicken( the most popular one, as always following the crowd and not thinking for himself but going along with everyone else and I hate that about him) and bought yogurt, whole grains, etc.and I love Buddy even more than my fave. Chihuahuas Teeniea, Yuri, and Chibby( and that's saying alot!) and yesterday we looked deeply into eachother's eyes and felt such a strong bond and connection and it was as if we were "reading" eachother's souls and I felt like I just "knew" that we are going to be together forever, whether it will be in Heaven or in another life, and now of the BC Girls the 20 YR old isn't coming and I have to say that I'm relieved( and the kids don't know about this blog and won't be reading this,anyway; it's just for my own private thoughts and for whatever curious strangers wander over here) as I really wasn't looking forward to seeing her because she's just so disrespectful and mean to me, always has mean hurtful dismissive comments such as try again Sweaty! No one was talking to you! You're soooo annoying! etc. and she is the stereotypical Mean Girl that thinks she's all that and that looks down on ugly and fat people and thinks they're "lesser" and "beaneath" her and talks about and makes fun of people behind their backs,etc.You know the type. The same kind that bullied me and made my life hell in Jr. High. My hubby also gets mad I keep asking if the BC Girls have found a new apt. yet but I have to ask because no one ever tells me anything.
Time for me to fly
Oh, I've got to set myself free.- REO Speedwagon
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