Monday, May 2, 2022

Taxation Is Theft!

Yesterday was the deadline to file Income tax and so my hubby, in his true fashion, waited until the last minute to do ours; his, mine,and my mother's. Normally he just does mine as I can't do math and it's all just so confusing I don't understand it and with so much on the forms I get hopelessly lost( the 27 YR old is just like me and gets confused and has trouble filling out all those complicated gov't forms and always has to get someone else fill them out for him) only this year for some reason he had me do it on my computer and he was just standing over my shoulder guiding me9yet he still did my mother's for her) and it was a nightmare; it was terrible and I really struggled with it and he said it would take 10 minutes.....yeah,right, it took over 30 minutes(making me run later to do everything else for the day) and we had to keep going back and I'd do stuff wrong or forget stuff and it was just so frustrating  and overwhelming with so much all on the page and it said one of my security question answers was wrong (What was your first concert?) even though it wasn't and as it turned out that was his  mistake; from the last time he'd put in some fake thing so how was I supposed to know that and then he blames me! He also insisted we do it at a certain time when it was best for him  and his schedule, not even considering my  time and my schedule(because that doesn't matter) even though I was  in the middle of  using  the computer at the time; it didn't matter to him; it was get off and I help you with it now  when it's best for me or forget it; my considerations didn't matter. Luckily there was no math(the bane of my existance!) thank God, but it was hard enough with all the paperwork but it finally got done and I don't have any income but holy shit! I can't believe my friend F( from grade 6) actually enjoys  this shit; he's an accountant.

 We both almost just gave up and said f*ck it!  I don't believe in being forced to pay taxes to my oppressor anyway and it all started with the Romans! (f*ck you, Romans!) Taxation is theft and my hubby( ever  the gov't brown-noser and boot-licker) says it's to pay for roads, hospitals, clean water,etc. but it also goes towards paying for the police which abuse us, laws,mandates, lockdowns,and restrictions that oppress us, public schools that indoctrinate our children, publically-funded abortions that murder our babies, military that invade other nations and kill innocent civilians, a gov't that controls and suppresses us, wastes our $$$$ on frivolous things we have no say in, supports questionable organizations, etc. Income tax was originally just supposed to be a temporary measure during WWII and yet it's still here, just like the lockdowns and mandates were only supposed to be for 2 weeks and yet 2 years later here we still are; masks still are required in some settings and the unvaxxed are still not allowed to travel...

As well, yesterday I also thought I heard a tropical bird outside, reminding me of the Caribbean but it turned out to just be a neighbour's dog with his squeaky toy and that used to really annoy Buddy,too,and the kids used to tease him with it but now he's old and deaf he can't hear it anymore so it doesn't bother him anymore, and now the BC girls hope to come down and visit the end of August,and every time I hear a siren I pray for them and one day one of those ambulances will be for me and I'd like to think that someone will pray for me,too, and yesterday I also watched Monty Python  in German and it was just as funny as in English and it sounded like it was the exact same guys too only speaking German, and not someone else dubbed-in, and I realized as well that I will still never be happy no matter where I live because I will still always be me.

When conspiracy theories turn out to be true, they cease being theories.- Robert .J. O'Neill.


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