Friday, May 13, 2022

The House.

This is the neighbour's house just put up for sale. I think originally it was an old farmhouse that had lots of land they built around. Now it's only 1/2 acre. It's up for 350K which surprised me as our house was appraised at much less even though we have 3 times as much land and a much bigger house; ours is all brick, 3 floors, 7 bedrooms, a huge yard,and an inground pool. This one is aluminum siding, 4 bedrooms, small yard and inside looks like crap, no offence. I got these photos off the real estate webpage. It's always interesting to see what neighbor's houses look like on the inside and fun to compare. It was built in 1910 The walls have ugly paint and wallpaper and the only thing I even like about it is the old-fashioned clawfoot tub but good luck getting 350K for it! So I'm thinking that either this one is way over-priced or ours was under-valued...

It does have a nice big kitchen but that's it, not much else.The people have already moved out,too,and it's now empty but at least that makes open houses much easier. The next-door enighbour's cat yesterday also escaped from their opened bedroom window and I saw it relaxing on the roof and it was enjoying the sun and fresh air and it must have just felt so free being outside(it's an indoors cat) and it got up to a balmy 28 C too and I found that rubbing Epsom salts on my sunburn helps ease the sting and itch, and the furnace guy came yesterday as well for the yearly check and maintenance of the furnace and A/C.

I also had this weird dream I was visiting my aunt( who has been dead for many years now) and she wouldn't let me leave. I kept saying I want to go home! meaning back to our old Toronto house but she wouldn't let me, saying, It's not time yet, but soon, and I also heard that some 30% of new immigrants to Canada return home to where they came from and I believe it; disillusioned that it's NOT as "wonderful" as they thought and they were misled, and I remember my friend J's grandmother from Taiwan went back after not liking it here and I bet it would likely be more too except they spent all their $$$ moving here and can't afford to move back. This place sucks!!

The 27 YR old also says he wants to build a flame-thrower!  he did research and said it's illegal to buy one but not to make one and he thinks it'll be a "cool" idea and a great "conversation starter" but I think it's a really stupid  idea, and besides, where would he ever get a chance to use it, unless,of course, someone's chasing him in a car and he has to aim it at them to escape which I have to say is very unlikely, and if the RCMP finds out the supplies to build one are being sent to this address they might show up at the door and they'd probably think I was the one who ordered it, with my luck. No way! Bad idea!  He also told me the other day was Piccolo Day  and apparantly it was from the anime show Dragon Ball Z  and the only piccolo I know is the type of flute; the musical instrument, so I thought it was that!

They also said on the news they're disontinuing the iPod  and that's what I use to take my photos and store and listen to my music so I freaked; what am I going to do when mine dies if I can't replace it? The 27 Yr old said I can buy a cell phone and not have to use it as a phone or pay monthly fees if I just use it for photos and music and I can just get a cheap one so I hope so. I always thought you had to pay massive monthly fees if you had a phone and I have no use for one when I'm home all the time anyway and who am I going to call, plus with my social phobia I don't like talking on the phone anyway. My hubby also said I can do the same thing with a Tablet.

Yesterday I purposely got up even earlier than usual as well to watch my TV show.....and my hubby had come down later so there he was, once again, using the TV (this time to do his stupid yoga) so I still couldn't watch it( so I got up early all for nothing!) and then after all that it wasn't even up(doesn't it figure with my "luck?") and next week for the season finale I'm just going to stay up late and watch it live (instead of waiting until the next day) so that way I'll know for sure that I'm not going to miss it or have to wait!

I also heard a singer(I never heard of her) killed herself, and her family said her mental illness was so severe that she was unable to see her own worth or that people loved her, and it sort of reminds me of myself; I don't see that I have any worth and a lifetime of abuse and bullying and being told I don't matter chipped away at my self-esteem so much, only in my case no one really actually does love me though; I'm not "imagining" it, not even my own family, and that's clearly evident that only one of kids even bothered to wish me a happy Mother's Day. I know what it's like  though, to be so far down that deep, dark black hole that you just want all the hurt, pain, and hopelessness to end.

I also realized that when I spent my entire life looking for love that I've finally found it: with Buddy. I prayed to God asking Him to send me someone to love and to love me and He sent me Buddy. It's not a romantic love, but love is love and love is where you find it, and besides, there are different kinds of love.No one has ever loved me like he does and he's the best thing to ever happen to me and in my life and getting him is the best decision I ever made and the best thing I ever did.. He has brought such love, joy, and light into my life that no one else ever has.

I love humanity; it's people I can't stand.- Linus from "Peanuts."


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