Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Rainbow Halo.

Yesterday sitting outside in the sun I saw this; it was a circular rainbow all around the sun. Odd enough on its own, but even stranger was that it wasn't even raining! I took a photo to prove that I wasn't hallucinating and I wondered if it meant something, some weird weather phenomenom or perhaps maybe even an omen of some sort and I'd never seen it before so I Googled  it, circular rainbow around sun and apparantly it's called a halo and it's fairly uncommon and is simply caused by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere  having light reflected off them from the sun.Regardless I still think it's pretty cool and unique. As I was out tanning a bird also crapped on me; I had my eyes closed and felt something wet drop on me and thought What the f*ck? it's not raining.... and opened my eyes to look and saw the tell-tale white bird shit on my shoulder....eww... dirty bird! The other day the tree leaves were also just starting to open and then it seemed like just overnight they exploded as the next day they were all suddenly all open big in full bloom! It was also 23 C yesterday and now it's warm my daily afternoon nap is my siesta  and tomorrow is going up to 27 C! A cousin in Europe( the one that recently bought the inn) also got a Newfoundland puppy and next door had a big bonfire going in their backyard and it smelled sooo bad I could smoke weed out there and no one would even notice, and Buddy hates it when I smoke too; he gives me this judgemental look and goes and burrows under a blanket so he doesn't have to smell it!

I also got this "warning" from the Twitter  censorship police asking if I was sure I really wanted to post this. Yes, I'm sure. No, it's not a mistake. It was in response to an American saying that Biden is the worst president  they ever had ( no, actually Trump was)and my hubby's doctor called,too, and said his blood work shows  he's pre-diabetic and has to switch to a diabetic diet like my mother has now,and it's funny because all along he's always been taunting me that I've  probably got diabetes because I'm fat and because of my "unhealthy lifestyle" (eating and smoking weed even though I don't eat much meat and hardly any fried food but he does) yet every 6 months my blood work comes back clear and now here he is that ends up having it, and he always makes fun of me that I'm "old" too (even though he's 4 years older than me!) when he's also the one that has those "old people" spots on his back! HA!Karma! He also said his triglycerides are high, thinking it meant diabetes and I said I'm pretty sure that means cholesteral... and he got all flustered and mad, saying It's all the same and doesn't matter to him, using Big Words to make him sound smart( because medical stuff is the one thing  that  know waaay more about than he does; I was brought up in a medical household so I was exposed to it and surrounded by it and we'd even discuss medical stuff at the dinner table) and he doesn't like it when I'm smarter at something than he is. He also got 3 copies of the same letter in the mail( paper copies!) thanking him for going paperless for his recent  online transaction! I joke you not! Typical stupid enviro idiots and hypocricy! HA!

Now there'also an outbreak of acute hepatitis among over 300 kids worldwide in over 20 countries as well, many requiring liver transplants and some even dying and they claim it's a "mystery" but I bet I know why:
COVID vaccine for kids.
It started last summer, the same time the vaccines for kids began. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out but we all know that they're going to pass it off as a "coincidence" just like they do with the cardiomyopathy and the blood clots and strokes, and I feel sorry for Rihanna's baby as well, growing up surrounded by fame and drugs, gangstas, hangers-on, name-droppers, fake friends, gold-diggers, users, phoniness, shallowness, bad influences, etc. The poor kid will never have a normal childhood or a normal life. Sometimes it's better to just be a regular average person with a simple life.Today is also the anniversary of Bob Marley's death. Even he died in May,too and it was a bad month for him,too. RIP Bob 'mon.

Some people have gotten so used to being lied to, that when you tell them the truth, they don't believe you.- Zuby. 


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