Friday, May 6, 2022

The Roses.

Yesterday I went to the store for the first time since the mask mandate was dropped and I felt so free, and I noticed that half the people in the store were still wearing them; brainwashed sheeple, incl,. my hubby, despite before always mocking and making fun of people for wearing them, making him a hypocrite( no news here) and he claimed it was just to "troll" me, and I told him he was a brainwashed sheeple that can't think for himself and just blindly goes along with the crowd,and he snarked, I'm not going to do what the gov't tells me to do! taunting me, except that they aren't telling you to NOT wear them; now it's your choice(like it should have been all along; you never should have been forced) and now it separates people and shows who thinks for themselves and who is still socially conditioned. In any case, I got these lovely roses for my mother for Mother's Day(I guess also for me too as we're both mothers and I get to look at and enjoy them too and we both like roses) they are yellow and have orange along the edges). All the other roses were just a boring red and the other flowers are the usual assortments of mums and carnations but these ones were different; they were special and stood out from the rest (and are strikingly beautiful)so those were the ones I chose. Coming in the door I was clumsy(as usual) though and I accidently snapped off one of them off and the "head" fell off so I made use of it at least by putting the petals in my bath for fragrance so it wasn't wasted. I also lost some followers on Twitter  for my pro-life anti-abortion stance as well, but too bad and I won't "apologize'; abortion is murder,plain and simple, no matter how  you try to redefine it, rename it, or "justify" it, and the only 100% guarantee of NOT getting prego is to keep your legs shut. God created sex for  the purpose of reproduction afterall,and if you're not ready to be a parent then don't have sex.

I also got more Easter chocolate for my chocolate stashe and in just the right time too as I had just finished off my last one and they surprisingly still had quite a bit left so I got 4 hollow ones for 75% off so each one was only like 2$ each! Score!! That ought to last me 1-2 weeks, ha,ha! Today I also woke up with a baad headache again even though it's not supposed to rain for a week( yay!) so it must be something else and my arthritis is really bad(and my foot hurts alot,too)esp. in my knees, back, and neck, and the other day this airplane kept flying over our house really low as well it made a deafening loud roar and the windows rattled and it shook the entire house I was afraid it was going to crash into the house so somebody needs more practice and needs to get more flying time in, and inside my head  I have music playing, stories being imagined and played out like a movie, problems being solved,prayers being said, things being wondered,questions being asked,plans being made,trying to remember,dreaming,fretting, and a shitload of other stuff going on all at once.

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” -Dr. Paul Farmer.


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