Yesterday afternoon we had this really baaaad storm! We had a severe thunderstorm warning so what did I do? I went outside and smoked weed, because my abdomenal pain(and back pain,too) was soooo bad(it still is today,too) it felt like something was going to explode in here and I wanted to get out and get some pain relief before the storm comes in.....except I didn't quite make it. I just got a few puffs in and then it suddenly got really dark and really windy and the rain poured down and as I was sitting out there I heard a loud, craaaccck! (I will never forget that sound! my God!) and a big limb off the neighbour's tree next-door came crashing down and I quickly ran inside yelling to my hubby he'd better move the car out of the drivway fast, right now(which he did) and then the power went out( it was out for 3 HRS) and it only lasted about 10 minutes and then it cleared up and the sun came out.....exactly like how it was years ago when we lived 30 minutes away from a nearby town that had that tornado and it was exactly the same so I'm pretty sure that there was a tornado somewhere nearby and later on on the news they said there were suspected tornadoes in some towns and online people were also saying they thought they had them too and they're not too far from here so it looks like I was probably right. People were killed as well, mostly from falling trees and even now thousands are still without power. It was a really bad one!
Last night in bed I was scared Buddy was having a heart attack and was dying too but it turned out to just be a bad panic attack: some f*cker was shooting off fireworks just outside my bedroom window and it scared the shit out of him, esp. the whistling ones that sound like incoming missiles and the loud noise and bright flashes scared him and his heart was racing and he was panting heavily and making these noises that sounded like snoring so I held him in my arms and he eventually calmed down and fell asleep and I'm thankful every day that we still have together and I feel I can get thru anything as long as I have him by my side, and he has a GF now,too; lately he'd beeen sniffing a scent I knew must have been a Hot Babe and I was right and yesterday I finally saw her; a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix.It's good to know that the Old Guy still has it in him! His friend's hooman also told me that I was right asking for a stud fee(or a puppy) when he sired Patti's dog's puppies and she was in the wrong to be offended when I asked and to just use me to get the puppies and then dump me as a friend, so, no, I wasn't "over-reacting." She really was taking advantage of our friendship and was just using me.
The oldest also phoned my mother the other day out of nowhere and it got me worried; did he maybe have an uneasy feeling, a "premonition" of some sort to call her, like my mother herself did about her own mother shortly before she died? They hadn't been in touch for awhile when she got this unsettled feeling and felt she should call her mother and so she did and they met up for lunch and then she died of a heart attack shortly after but it turned out that it was just my hubby that suggested that he call her,and today my hubby's in Toronto visiting the 22 and the 26 YR olds who are in the city for the long weekend and with all the violent armed carjackings there recently I hope he doesn't get jacked, although they target high-end cars like Lamborghinis; hopefully his Toyota will be safe, and he's more involved in the kids' lives than I am but they don't like me or want to bother with me(and treat me like shit) though so I just let them go, like birds leave the nest; they leave and start their own lives; they're gone and that's it. They don't want me in their lives anyway so I set them free.
Now the newest fear-mongering scare tactics that COVID is over is a new virus called Monkey Pox, similar to chicken pox and small pox, and I bet it's probably just another side-effect of the COVID vaccine and also wouldn't be surprised if they start forcing vaccines for that next,too, control the masses thru fear, and of a monk's vows of chastity, obedience, and poverty I'd have the most difficulty with obedience since I'm a free-spirit, think for myself and don't like being told what to do and I've already been celibate for the past 15 YRS anyway and also been poor for several years,too, so I'm pretty much already there as it is, and as much as my hubby hates me and resents me at least I did give him 11 kids he should be thankful as no one else would have ever done that. We also had a big bumblebee flying around in the house that must have come in thru an open door and the 27 YR old( shown here cuddling with Buddy) told me he'd had alcohol poisoning from some really great parties which surprised and shocked me because I didn't even know he drank alcohol, let alone get drunk, but our family is very good at keeping secrets though. It's what we seem to do best.
Freedoms' just another word for nothing left to lose.- Janis Joplin.
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