Sunday, June 26, 2022

Caribbean Festival.

Yesterday I went to the Caribbean festival but it was shitless. They were supposed to have music, steel drums, dancing, vendors, food,etc. but they only had the shows at certain times and I thought it was ongoing all thru the day from 11 am -7pm the festival was going and when I was there all there was was cool Reggae music blasting from the speakers( so at least I got good music) and they only had one food vendor so the line went down over a block and there's no way I'm syanding in line(I'd pass out!) esp. in 30 C heat and a roti cost 15$! The vendors were also just the typical vendors you see at any street festival selling jewellery, handbags, art, and other trinkets, but nothing specifically Caribbean so it was a disappointment. I wore one of my Bob Marley shirts and someone said I like your shirt!  and I was hoping until I can get back to the Caribbean (my Happy Place,and Jamaica is my Spiritual Home) the festival will have to do but I was disappointed but it wasn't a total waste as I stopped off at the farmer's market where I got a curry chicken Chinese bun(and delightfully surprised the vendor when I said shei-shei, which is thank you as it always takes them by surprise when White people speak Mandarin but I made her day) and also went to 2 weed dispensaries.

We also stopped off and I went in and got the pizza while my hubby went to another store and I waited inside the air-conditioned pizza place(and ate a piece; I was also starving!) and he was mad and actually expected instead for me to walk all the way back in the heat to the parking lot and wait for him outside the car standing in the heat insteasd of him coming back to the pizza place and getting me allowing me to sit inside where it's cool, and he hates going out anywhere with me too as I always whine I'm tired, hot, hungry, my foot hurts, etc. and all the walking was so hard as well I thought I was either going to have a heart-attack or at least pass out and my legs and foot really hurt and today I can hardly even move and he taunted how come I never said anything and I told him Survival; I knew if I said anything he'd make me get out of the car and walk. He also got mad at me I put my can of pop in the car in the cup holder (where it belongs) beside his in the other cup holder as he wanted to put his GPS thingy in there instead and told me to put my pop on the other side in the door(on the right side when I'm left-handed) and said if I didn't move it he'd throw it out the window, and when I resisted he snarled that I only ever think of myself and he does this  for me and I can't do ONE THING for him, etc. and he'll just add it to the List ,etc. (what does he do; keep "tabs" on me, or what?)  when really  he's just being selfish, narcisstic, and manipulitating me to do what he wants; as always twisting everything around to get his way and mad I didn't do what he tells me. He also complains that he took 2 hours out of his day to take me out somewhere and then I'm being 'selfish." What an asshole.

It also totally baffles me how pro-aborts are so insistant, angry and protest violently thinking it's their "right" to kill their own babies  and how so many bitches act like it's a woman's right of  "passage" almost to have an abortion,trendy, "progressive",etc. but there's NOTHING "honourable" or praiseworthy about killing a baby, and last night I had this weird dream as well that huge chunks (the size of my hand) kept randomly falling out of my body, off my face, arms,and legs, and what really "gets" me too about my mother not sharing one of her 2 sandwiches with me the other day when she had 2 and I had no snack was esp. that before when it was reversed and I had 2 sandwiches and she had no snack is that I did give her one of mine(Burger King has 2 chicken sammiches for 7$) so she'd have something to eat but she doesn't care enough about me to do likewise and it hurts, and I read somewhere as well someone who said they regret having kids because they treat her so horribly said they treat her like an afterthought and I could really relate to that and really felt  that, and yesterday I also saw a 1977 burgundy Corvette Stingray and it reminded me of my cousin's when I was a kid( although his was candy-apple red with white leather seats) and it brought me back to a happier time and reminded me of happy childhood memories I wish I could turn back time and return to and stay at.If I could drive I would sooooo buy that car!

"Your greatest accomplishment each day is deciding not to commit suicide"- Albert Camus


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