Thursday, June 30, 2022


They say here in Canada we have 2 seasons: winter and construction and on Monday next week after the long holiday weekend they start the 3 month long reconstruction of our street, road, etc. and I took photos(seen here) of the painted markings and flags they have set up and I'll be following the ongoing process(with photos) on this blog as it progresses and they re-do new water and sewer lines and new roads and sidewalks. This is the spot I take Buddy for his walks too(and they're tearing up the entire street and the one beside it and neither of us can walk too far anymore) so I don't know what  we're going to do or where we're going to go for walks now; maybe he'll just have to go in the backyard?Yesterday and today both Buddy and I have bad abdomenal pain and shit issues and he walks around hunched over and tail down in pain so it must either be something we both ate or we're both being poisoned, and the other night in my dream I also remember calling him, Come here, Buddy Boy! and I must have been talking in my sleep and said it out loud because I remember waking up and feeling him snuggling in closer beside me. I also can't believe I've been lucky enough to have him for 8 years,esp. since he already was 8 years old when I got him and I only thought we'd have 4-5 years together so we got extra and I'm so blessed.

Yesterday my mother also had her first insulin injection and they don't come pre- ready-made in the syringe like you'd expect either but some complicated thing you'd need a degree in engineering to be able to figure out so she had my hubby read the complicated directions and assemble it for her (and will now have to do weekly, yet another thing for him to do he won't be happy about)and a pack of 6 costs close to 250$ and so it's a good thing she has 80% coverage, otherwise who could afford it? They'd just have to die, and she still hasn;t learned,either,and yesterday still had a Frosty (which is an ice-cream/milkshake thing from Wendys, still cheating on her diabetic diet, which is what got her into all this trouble in the first place, and she's "losing" it too and wrote down 'rye" first as "fri" and "dairy" as "diary" and commonly makes mistakes like that,and yesterday the guy came to inspect our house too and I felt violated and intruded upon and he was here for quite awhile,too,and wrote down alot of things and my mother said he should work as a house inspector, the guy you hire before you finalize buying a house, to make sure there's no major repairs needed.

One of my cousins also posted a photo of her son graduating and I asked if he's off to university next and commented he looks so young and she laughed and said he graduated grade 8 (which is why he looks so young!) and I thought he graduated highschool(when I graduated grade 8 we never had gowns or anything like that; just an assembly in the auditorium), and a cousin in Europe her youngest graduated highschool but unlike her brother(who is studying engineering) is NOT going on to university,and,in fact, hated school and is done with education and is working now, and someone on Twitter said as well( and it's true) that you know society is in a bad place when they'd rather kill their babies(abortion) than to not have sex, and society also tells us to wear a bra, wear sunscreen, to get vaccinated, to be Politically Correct, to defend abortion, to hate Russia, to turn away from God, to be thin, etc. none of which I do; I go my own way and always have, and tomorrow is Canada Day too but nothing to celebrate and I've never celebrated it; a Fascist shithole where our rights and freedoms are being taken away from us more and more all the time, and where Indigenous People continue to be oppressed (and I'll be wearing an orange shirt tomorrow instead in defiance of colonialism and in solidarity with Residential School victims and survivors) and it's increasingly too expensive to live.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.-Dr.Seuss


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