Tuesday, July 19, 2022


This is my cousin B. He's about 11 years older than me. The other day he posted these old photos of himself from the 70's on his Facebook page when he was in his 20's and it brought back memories for me as that's what I remember him looking like when I was growing up. He was a hippie(much to his father's dismay and he was always trying to get him to cut his long hair) and he wore the bell-bottom jeans, the platform shoes, etc. and I remember hearing the story of one time when he was in highschool and he was stopped by the cops walking to school (for looking like a hippie) and they searched him for drugs( he didn't drink or do drugs though) and found a spoon they found suspicious ....except it was for his pudding for his lunch and he told the cops that was what it was for and added that he doesn't get enough allowance $$$ to be able to afford drugs and they thought it was just so stupid they laughed and let him go.They knew it had to be true, and it was. Unlike most guys he also liked to go shopping and he'd go with my mother and I and even browse with us and point out bras and such and say stuff like, Look at this! This one looks nice! Why don't you try it on? and embarrass us, and then there was that time he was also suposed to pick us up at the airport  and it was late and he forgot and fell asleep and so we were waiting....and waiting...and waiting....and finally just gave up and called an airport limo. He also drove us 2 HRS to get a Chihuahua because we never had a car.

Here he is with one of his 3 sons(and one of his sons is my cousin with the puppies) and he had his oldest son when he was just 20( and his ex-wife was just 18 with my aunt quipping he should have kept that thing in his pants where it belongs!) and he is 9 years younger than me. I remember him also saying how he used to "torment me mercilessly" when I was little only I don't really remember it; I remember his youngest brother teasing me though by having his GI Joes kidnap and holding my Barbies hostage and I'd have to run to the adults to get him to free them, and my cousin B also walked by a new car lot and saw a car he liked(I can't remember the name but I remember thinking it looked like a cross between a hearse and a Mob car) and he just walked in and bought it with cash. Now both he and his middle son are on the waiting list for kidney transplants and he now lives up in Elliot lake with his second wife. I remember another story involving him as well; my mother's(adopted) brother is an urban terrorist and tried to recruit my cousin B but he wanted nothing to do with it.

This is him today.I wouldn never even recognize him now!It's the first time I've ever even seen him with short hair!I also saw a Dachshund that's 20 and I hope that Buddy and I can have 4 more years together like that and  now we're under an extreme heat advisory( 31 C with humidex of 41 C) he likes to lay next to the furnace vent on the floor and feel the cool A/C air blowing up to cool him down, and I've also switched him to a grain-free diet in case his fur loss is allergy related such as allergic to gluten, and a thought occured to me as well; Jesus' follwers(Christians) created a new religion after Him except even He wasn't Christian Himself; He was actually Jewish, and that reminds me of when I was a kid even then I knew He was Jewish( I mean, they called Him Rabbi, He taught at the synagogue, the Last Supper was the Passover dinner,etc.) and it used to puzzle me thinking, If Jews don't 'believe' In Jesus does that mean He didn't believe in Himself? When you really think about it , it doesn't make much sense that they'd change and make a whole new religion after Him when He already had a religion, does it?

Yesterday we had torrential rain as well ( 40 mm) and we got this huge puddle in front of our house( shown here) so big you could swim in it, reminding me of when I was a kid(age 4-5) and I would sit in big puddles like this and play in them; it was so much fun and brings back such happy memories(it horrified my mother though!) and, of course, the construction crew had the day off yesterday with all the rain and the road was all muddy and wet, but this morning they were back at it by 7 am, and my mother's so fed up with nausea all day she said she's just going to stop her insulin injections(I said isn't such a good idea!) unless her doctor can prescribe her something (stronger than the Gravol she's been taking) as she's NOT going to be nauseated every day for the rest of my life! and on and off my yoo-hoo still stings despite going back to my usual LBLpad so now it makes my theory of kidney stones and/or infection even more likely and now my right leg hurts too and feels like an electric shock or bolt shooting down like a pinched nerve, and I also came across something called hypercalcemia ; where you have too much calcium in your blood causing bone, kidney,and heart damage causing fatigue, lethargy, pain, forgetfulness,weakness, etc. all like I have so it does make me wonder if it might be a possibility,and other possible causes of kidney stones are cancers such as myelomas, lung, breast, kidney, or tumour on parathyroid glands...No treatment though; you just have to wait for them to pass on their own.

You can see the stars and still not see the light.-The Eagles.


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