Sunday, July 17, 2022

Miss Cleo.

This is my cousin M's dog Cleopatra, or Miss Cleo for short.Isn't she just a beautiful dog? 2 days ago she just had her first litter of puppies,3 girls and 2 boys, 5 pups in total which is actually a small litter for a big dog( Buddy's Baby Mama had 4 puppies and that's considered a big litter for a small dog like a Dachshund) and I saw a Golden Retriever with her pups the other day and she had 10! It is her first litter though so maybe it's good she starts off small. He can easily get at least 2K for each puppy he sells as well so that's at least 10K! 

Here she is prego and I didn't think she really looked that big; you can really just tell because of the big teats so I guess she carried it well, plus she is a big dog and only had 5 pups. I remember when my Chihuahua had pups(she had 4!) she was huge! She also had to have an emerg. C-section (I delivered her first pup, the smallest one, but then the second one, the largest one, got stuck in the birth canal and labour stopped) and died during the night, leaving me to raise and hand-feed the orphaned newborn puppies and I had to bottle feed them from tiny little bottles that looked like doll bottles every 2 HRS.

....and here they are, just born! Someone commented they'd hoped there would be some tan ones, so I guess the Baby-Daddy is tan colour, but they all ended up a beautiful grey,almost silver, like their mother.

Here they are yesterday, at one day old. Their eyes still won't be open for another 2 weeks though, and one of them is shown below with Mama. Note the size difference! As well, the 15 YR old also had his hair cut yesterday at the barber and the 27 YR old goes and gets his done tomorrow and last night he went and saw a play and he and I argue over what the word "theatre" means; I say it's where you go and watch a live performance such as a play and he says it's where you go watch a movie, but I say that's the cinema, and the 15 YR old also joined a new homeschooling youth group and they had 27 kids sign up, and it's soooo hot lately( and supposed to be the rest of the month and I can't believe it's the middle of July already!) cicadas are buzzing early in the morning and you know it's going to be a really hot one when you hear them chirping, and this morning as I opened the utensil drawer to get a fork I saw a mouse running around in there and it  freaked me out; not that I'm scared of mice but I just wasn't expecting it!

Yesterday and today my stomach, abdomenal, back, and right-side kidney pain is also soooo bad it's the kind of pain where you just rock back and forth from the pain and break out into a sweat and just want to scream and I feel like I'm going to pass out.Maybe I have kidney stones or something? I heard they're supposed to be very painful. The stomach and abdomenal pain also feels like it's "moving" up to my chest now as well and the pain is so bad I just can't get into a comfortable position no matter how I try to sit or lay down and the abdomenal pain feels like really bad constipation( except it's not and I shit several times a day) and the stomach like when you have pants with a way too-tight elastic waistband I feel like I'm almost reaching my breaking point of pain tolerance and I also saw a slight tinge of pink(blood) on my LBL pad yesterday as well, either from my kidneys or bladder(because I don't have a uterus anymore) and my mother's still nauseated every day, so like when prego and when I was I had it all day every day for 3 months with every single one of them, all 11 of them so that would be 33 months in total, so that's 2.7 years  of nausea! Despite the Road Closed sign on our street  for the construction cars still come down it anyway and it's just dirt now and they stir up big clouds of dirt and dust (Eat my dust!) and it makes me cough and gag and it almost feels like a sandstorm!

If I had never been born it would have spared alot of people alot of trouble.


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