Wednesday, July 27, 2022

My List of Lists.


- Hi-C (orange)
- Tang
- Orange and cherry Kool-Aid
Hawaiian Punch
-Tahiti Treat


- beer
-super hero movies

-Jimi Hendrix
-Eric Clapton
-Carlos Santana
-Jimmy Page
-Eddie Van Halen

Yesterday I also got my weed delivered for August and the 27 YR old walked in as I was sorting them and he scoffed in shame, Pre-rolls? Do you have someone else smoke them for you,too? and I'm ashamed to admit it but I can't roll for shit between my awkwardness and lack of co-ordination with my Aspergers and my Rheumatoid Arthritis so I guess I even fail as a stoner too yet when I posed the question online to my Older Stoners group they said there's no shame in it and many of them have the same problem and said that's what pre-rolls are for and some even said to get my smart-ass son to roll them for me! I also saw a redneck yesterday walking  down the street and then he stopped, pulled down his shorts a bit and pee into some bushes and then continue on his walk! Eww! Peeing in the street like an animal! People here are just soooo gross and uncouth and I also thought I forgot to blow out the citronella candle(I didn't) even though i remembered putting the lighter away and it kept nagging and nagging away at me What if it gets knocked over or the wind blows the flame and it starts a fire? so I had to go back out and check just to be sure.

I also changed earrings and it reminded me of the 19 YR old because when she was younger every time I'd change my earrings she'd always notice. No one else ever would but she always did. It's the Little Things.I also have what must be a canker sore on the inside part of my gums behind my lower teeth and it feels like a popcorn "skin" stuck there but it hurts and I hear you paint houses is also 'code" for I hear you're a killer for hire and I can remember growing up hearing people saying my mother's mother(that would be my grandmother) painted houses in her spare time as a hobby too so now it makes me wonder......hmmmmm.... 😂

I believe it's time for me to fly.-REO Speedwagon


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