Sunday, July 24, 2022

Old Friends.

This is my old friend D( from grade 6) in front of his Toronto house he put up for sale.He bought a vineyard and land out in Prince Edward County where he had an entirely new house built.He is now a photographer, filmaker,and director. I can still remember back in grade 6 I had a "crush" on him and one day at recess my friends and I 'caught" him and they held him down so I could give him a kiss but he struggled free and kicked me. When I mentioned that as an adult he laughed and said now he wouldn't break free if a woman tried to kiss him. I also remember he put a dog turd in J's desk and the teacher wouldn't let any of the class leave until we told him who did it but of course no one would even though we all knew who did it(because we're not snitches) so all of us had to stay late after class that day. It was a horrible thing to do and when I mentioned it to him when I found him later on Facebook to see if he still remembered it he said he did and he still feels badly about it and wishes he could have apologized to him and would now as an adult if he was able to contact him. I was friends with J's sister S and I remember going to her birthday party and they had all kinds of wonderful tasty food( they were Pakistani) and they even gave my mother some too when she came to pick me up when it was over.

This is also my friend J from the YMCA group in Ottawa. He's around 8-9 years older than me. I was one of the youngest in the group at 21 and he was 30. He was one of the very first to greet me and make me welcome and to become my friend. He's also on the Spectrum like I am and I was surprised to see  this recent photo he posted on his Facebook and his hair is all grey! I remember him used to having brown hair!(The same for D!) We're all getting so old! I remember one time the group of us went to Open Mic night at a comedy club and he got up on stage and did Ernie's laugh (from Sesame Street) and was booed off-stage and another time at a restaurant he stood up at the table and loudly announced he never had a girlfriend and people stared. and laughed He also is one of the kindest, sweetest and big-hearted people I know and when our mutual friend C told us a guy she was seeing was abusive to her and mistreated her and told her that she should be "grateful" because she's "ugly and she's 'lucky' that he's even f*cking her at all" he told her that she doesn't deserve that and that she deserves someone that treats her nicely, and he was right. I told her the same thing.

...and this is my best friend now. The best friend ever and the best dog ever. I've never had a friend like him and I never will.Yesterday when i first got up at 5 am I couldn't pee,either, even though I felt like I had to and wasn't able to until 90 minutes later and the rest of the day I had less pee than usual so I think I might be right about it being a kidney issue, and today's supposed to be the last day of the heatwave(and possible storms to cool it down) with tomorrow and the rest of the week being 27 C with humidex of just 30 C instead of 40 C(when it's so hot like this I really miss not having the pool open but it's just such an expense) and my allergies have been so bad the past few days as well no matter how much allergy meds I take my nose is still all runny, itchy and sneezy, and my hubby said to me about the new people that moved in, The new neighbours are what you would refer to as 'rednecks.' and I saw the 23 YR old was wearing a Harry Potter T-shirt as well and it makes me wonder if maybe it's kids' "job" to disappoint their parents and I never let them read the Harry Potter books or watch the movies growing up as they promote, encourage,and glorify the occult, mainly witchcraft but now as adults they've turned completely away from everything I've raised them to be.

“When all you know is fight or flight, red flags and butterflies all feel the same”-Cindy Cherie


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