Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Puppies Update.

My cousin's puppies are now 5 days old and now they are starting to look different and you can tell them apart. When they were born they were all the same colour; a grey but now their coats are changing colours and some have markings on their faces like this big guy here; now more of a brown colour wit white on his face and paws.

This is, in my opinion anyway, one of the cutest, a little brown one, almost a carbon-copy of its sibling shown below.My cousin says once their eyes are open he's going to hire a professional photographer and get portraits taken of them.

Another adorable one. Just too cute for words.

I think this sweetie might be the smallest one of the litter and like the first one has white markings on face and paws.

Sadly though this poor little girl died yesterday at just 4 days old.I just hope it wasn't parvo virus though as that spreads thru the entire litter and will kill them all. That's what killed my BFF's Chihuahua litter. If you look closely though it doesn't look quite "right" though; the face and nose and mouth looks kind of lopsided and crooked (and one side of the face looks sort of flat)and the eyes too widely spaced apart and the ears too low down so it was likely deformed and probably had some internal defects as well. it's so sad though. The poor little thing never even lived long enough to open her eyes or be given a name. The litter Buddy sired 4 years ago one of the puppies was born dead as well; it's not uncommon to lose a puppy in a litter. It's good the kids don't read this blog though esp. the 19 YR old as whenever she watches a movie she isn't bothered when people die but it really upsets her whenever a dog dies.😢

Yesterday it was soooo hot and again today and we even have a possibility of a tornado today as well and it was sooo hot that even that gigantic puddle in front of our house all dried up and I was watching a squirrel running all along the tree branches yesterday too gathering leaves to rebuild her nest after the rain and wind from the day before destroyed it and it was fascinating to watch. My mother also called her doctor who told her to stop the insulin injections that are making her so sick and she even lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks due to the nausea and vomiting and now she vows to actually stick  to her diabetic diet and NOT cheat( but that still remains to be seen!!) now she knows the consequences, and one of the construction guys knocked on our door yesterday telling us they had to shut off our water for awhile but luckily I had just finished doing the laundry so it was good timing, and the dance studio has a day camp across the street with 6-8 kids again this week, and this morning shaving in the tub I also somehow cut my fingernail on the other hand(I didn't even know was possible) with the razor and now I have this hole  in the nail bed and it was bleeding.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s healthy how much I love being alone.-Valerie Bertinelli


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