Friday, July 8, 2022


Today I'm posting about Retro things from my childhood in the 70's and teen years in the 80's, things that when I see them online it brings back happy childhood memories, such as the Dr.Scholl's clogs shown here, made of wood at the sole and leather on the top. Those things really hurt your feet and gave them a workout as you had to really grip them hard with your toes while walking so they didn't slip and go flying off!
I had this exact same tea set when I was a kid and I can still clearly remember playing with it with the girl next-door to my aunt's house every time I'd go and visit them. Her name was Eva. There was also a Jewish girl across the street named Shelly I played with and she was the first Jewish person I ever knew and I remember thinking that she was so "exotic." My aunt lived in this posh Jewish neighbourhood near the Yorkdale mall and she was one of the few Catholic families that lived there.

I will never forget these flip-flops! My BFF and I when we were 12 both had this exact pair and we wore them every day all summer until they literally wore out.

This old-fashioned light switch was the exact same one I had at my old house in Toronto on the walls. At the time the house was 85+ years old back in the early 1980's. Man, I really loved  that house.It was an old Victorian brick house.It had a clawfoot tub, French doors, wood panelling along the ceiling in the dining room, hardwood floors, and bannister and stairs; it was beautiful. Of all the places I lived in that one was the one that felt the most like Home.
In the 80's stickers were all the rage; soft ones, scented ones, etc. We'd stick them on our notebooks, our desks, pencil cases, backpacks, in albums,etc.

When I was a kid I had these exact ones, plus the ribbons and ties and plastic shiny ball things for ponytails that snapped and hurt your head .

Banana seat bikes were all the rage during the 70's when I was a kid and I never had a bike( my mother wouldn't allow it as it "wasn't safe")so I just borrowed friends' and we never had helmets back then( for adults or kids) we were hard-core; we were warriors.

Charm bracelets. I remember my cousin gave me one and a few charms one year for Christmas, like the one shown here and over the years I collected many,many more until the bracelet was all full.

Corvette Stingray. Popular car of the 70's. I saw them everywhere, in every colour. My cousin had one,too, red with white leather seats. It was a cool car and I still like it. When I see a vintage one today it still makes me smile.

I loved Holly Hobbie  and I had that exact lunch box! Her and all things pioneer(incl. dresses) were the rage in the 70's, likely due to the popularity of the TV show  Little House On The Prairie  which I also liked. The 70's was a great time to be a kid and the 80's was a great time to be a teen.
I really miss those days.

As well, I am later today doing this post as the Internet was down all over the country for some 6 hours(I wonder if it got hacked but who'd bother hacking this shithole?), and I had a dream last night I said to myself, It's still time for Vacation Bible Scool as it's usually in July... even though it's for kids 12 and under and I'm 55.... and my mother's insulin injections make her nauseated every day and I told her weed eases nausea but she still refuses to try it but at least I offered, and the Ethnic Festival is back now after not for the past 2 years but my hubby still isn't taking me as he "has to work" even though he can surely find some time to slip away for a couple of hours, and I used to think I couldn't do math because I'm on the Spectrum but other autistic people can excel in it so maybe I'm just stupid? I can still remember as well when I was just 15 saying to myself I want to be free and not have some guy telling me what to do and I'm still the same; I'm not subservient to anyone,and the only one I obey is God.

Step into being the non-physical segment of your existence.-Anushka Bhide.

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