Saturday, July 16, 2022


Yesterday the construction crew tore up our entire road and sidewalk and it was sooo loud it rumbled, and shook the entire house with the vibration and it felt like an earthquake and the shelves were rattling and things were falling off! It also made loud booming noises and scared the bejesus out of poor Buddy and I was scared it would worsen the cracks we already have in our walls and weaken it and the entire house would come crumbling down! They finished the entire sidewalk and road in a day and when they were done they had a machine that looked like a farm tractor only with tank treads that went over sand and flattened it all down and that's how they left it over the weekend to continue on Monday. The workers are used to seeing me out there now too and recognize me and greet me with a friendly Good morning! How are you today? Now the entire road is also closed except for those of us that live here and every one on our street now has their very own hole on their lawn too and they've dug up so much of ours now at least the good is there's less grass to cut.

There's also a 3 days Sidewalk Sale in town and my hubby and the 27 YR old went to and I jokingly asked if they bought us a new sidewalk (since ours got all dug up) and they joked no, it cost too much, and at night they had fireworks as well I could hear from my bedroom(luckily Buddy was asleep and practically deaf and didn't hear it; normally it used to scare him) and it sounded like bombing and shelling off in the distance like a war zone, and Europe is having a heat wave now too with temps soaring into the 40's; my poor relatives!😰My cousin's dog had her puppies yesterday as well( one day before her due-date) and I'll post about it tomorrow.

I also had to order Buddy more CBD oil as he's been limping in pain alot lately and needs it almost daily and it was my fave. delivery guy; the Jamaican guy and even with the closed road he was still able to get thru luckily as he rode an E-bike and he calls me Love,too, which I think is nice because  even though I know he's just being friendly I'm not used to people being kind to me and saying nice things so it feels good and I appreiciate it, and Buddy had blood dripping from his nose yesterday but when I looked closer it wasn't from his nostrils like I had assumed ( and worried; does he have a nasal tumour? head injury or brain bleed?) but I saw a small cut just below his nostrils so my guess is he was likely snuffling around in the garbage again and cut his snoot on something sharp like a tin can, and awhile ago at the store they'd ran out of my usual brand of LBL pads so I had to get the cheap store brand....but since I've been using them my poor yoo-hoo is all itchy and stings and sore so I'm thinking I might be allergic to something in it and it's a reminder of why you shouldn't compromise on cheaper things for certain items, and toilet paper is one, for instance.

If no one saw it, it didn't happen.-Whitey Bulger


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