Thursday, July 7, 2022

So It Begins.

So it begins.
Yesterday at 11 am the first construction trucks came rolling thru on our street drilling and digging the road up and they placed these temporary water pipes(shown below) all along our street which will be our water supply for the next 3 months or so(or as long as the construction lasts, and I feel sorry for the new neighbours when they move in; welcome to the neighbourhood; 3+ months of construction!) and they said we'll most likely have a low  pressure and on and off between hot and cold water but I guess it's still better than having NO water at ALL(have an attitude of gratitude!) and the pipes run across the driveway and have a huge mound of sand over it too leaving this huge mound that makes it hard to drive over and they also go across the lawn making me wonder how we cut the grass for the next 3 months as well. There will also be times our water and power will be shut off depending on what they're doing.Oooh, what "fun!" Yesterday Buddy also had blood in his shit but was ok today so hopefully just something he ate and my back and abdomenal pain is sooo bad I just want to curl up into a little ball and roll away and whatever is wrong with me is getting worse and we got so much rain the other day too the kitchen ceiling is leaking again.

I also needed ground beef to cook dinner so I asked my hubby (twice!) to get it for me and then when I reminded him again he said he "forgot" and snarked, Are you crippled? and still never got it so I asked the 27 YR old but he refused too and said I'm "weak" and said if I "do more it will make me stronger" even though due to my breathing issues I simply can't walk far, go up and down stairs or exert myself, yet when my mother asked him he got it, and my hubby also always likes to berate and belittle me for being stupid as well and I can't help being dumb but he can help being an asshole and when he says things to me like I always reek of weed from now on I'm going to reply, ...and I smell shit..and point at him and say, Oh, look! it's an asshole!  and when he says things like Do you ever NOT smoke pot? reply, Are YOU ever not an asshole? I'm just soooo tired of his abuse and I fight back! I also saw somewhere it asked, Do you have marital hatred?  and I thought to myself, Dude, that's all we have!

I also accidently left the stove element on again the other day (my forgetfulness and brain is getting worse,too) and my mother wants to go to the Chinese buffet for her birthday as well but for lunch, not dinner, when it costs less and is less crowded so she has room to get around with her walker without getting shoved around in the crowd but my hubby says he wants to take us in the evening after work or on a Saturday but that's the worst time, the busiest, plus the 27 YR old also wants to go and he works on Saturdays but as always my hubby thinks his schedule is more important than anyone else's, and I saw mosquitoes THREE TIMES the normal size the other day as well so now I'm almost afraid to go outside and now the Fascist gov't is saying possibly the COVID "Clot-Shot" either every 9 months or twice a year now but over my dead body,  and Patrick Brown has been disqualified from running for leadership for the PC Party on accusations of corruption so either he's really one corrupt motherf*cker or someone's really out to "get" him,and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but this is his second scandal and now 5 city councillors have come out saying  stuff as well so it makes you wonder, and the UK PM Boris Johnson is resigning amid scandal too even though Trudeau is far worse and has way more scandals and he's still here unfortunately but maybe the UK just has higher standards? I have to say I'm going to miss that crazy hair, though. They wanted Brexit and he gave it to them and they still force him to resign. No matter what you do people are still never happy.

I didn't bloom because I was planted in the wrong garden.


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