The 15 YR old is away at camp for a few days again with his friend and his family and it's raining today but I hope not where they are about an hour away from here and we used to have alot of Day lilies in our backyard garden but now the trees there have grown taller and made shade it covers up the sun so now we only have a few and so far they haven't started the construction on our street yet( supposed to have started yesterday) there was just sewage trucks there doing something and the new neighbours didn't move in like I thought as there's no one in the house despite people with the U-Haul truck there the other day so maybe it was the old owners moving the last of their stuff out? I also saw Buddy's friends' hooman who told me his landlady found out about the puppies and freaked and called the bylaw officers on him; apparantly it's illegal to breed dogs here in this Bumble-F*ck town. WTF? so now he's thinking about moving. That's such a stupid law though! My back and abdomenal pain is also soooo bad now that I curl my toes and feel nauseated from the pain and it makes me wonder if maybe I even have some sort of tumour or something that's pressing against things? This is NOT just your usual abdomenal "cramping" or back pain we're talking about. This is a whole new level of pain here.
An American Facebook friend also said she has to pay 500$ a month for health insurance for her and her baby and that's just insane and my hubby criticized me as well how come his brother who also smokes weed like I do doesn't always reek of weed and stink up the whole town like I do but my guess is maybe because his is recreational and mine is medical and mine is stronger and has a stronger odour? Either that, or just anything about me bothers him more, and maybe I just have to accept the fact that I'm ugly and unlovable and no one will ever love me, desire me, or be attracted to me but I still hold out that impossible hope that there's maybe someone out there that will find me endearing instead of annoying and that will see something in me no one else does; see something in me worth loving,and the 27 YR old says he shaves his balls and hairy ass crack with the same shaver he uses for his face,too( ewww!) and I never even knew that was even actually a real thing; do guys really actually shave their balls and ass crack, or is it just him? I know Jihadists shave off all their body hair before a mission but this is the first time I've even heard of anyone shaving their balls and ass crack!😂
I'm not difficult; I'm just badly wounded.
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