Friday, July 29, 2022


When the kids were younger they had these hand puppets that had big plastic heads and fabric bodies that they used to toss up into our trees in the backyard so I named them Treeboys and one day they got stuck up there and they ended up living up there. yesterday for the construction guys came by and cut down 4 or so big limbs off our big maple tree in front of our house as well as the neighbors' trees incl. the Teacher's across the street and when it was clear it showed more of his house and it turns out he has 4 more windows I never even knew existed! As for ours, I was sitting out on the veranda and sawdust rained down on me and it stuck to my coconut oil and now we have alot less shade( not a good thing as it cooled it down at the front) and the guy asked me if I needed the wood( fireplace or wood stove) and I told him no so they put it in this machine they had that grinded the logs into sawdust and I was also really tempted to ask too if I could have a turn being lifted up there in the basket(it just looked like so much fun!) but I was too embarrassed to ask.😂

My mother also had an app't at the diabetic clinic yesterday and she cancelled again( it's not the first time she's done that,either) and it gets me mad that she doesn't even make any effort to try and get better and she told me to 'stop bothering her" to "go boss around someone else" "leave her alone" etc. when I'm just trying to keep her alive because she doesn't seem to give a shit, and she says(about her daily nausea) I don't know what it's like....uh, yeah, actually, I do; I had  it all day every day for 3 months with every pregnancy; all 11 of them(I oddly didn't have it with the 6 I miscarried; likely due to low hormone levels) so I DO know what it's like but I also didn't stay in bed all day either; I just pushed thru it and rested in-between when I could; I still had little kids that needed to be fed, cared for, homeschooled and housework and cooking that still needed to be done.Today is also 29 July, the day I got my first dog, a beagle, 29 July 1979 and I had a revelation before too I'll die on the 29th but I don't know which 29th though; which month or year, so maybe it'll be today, on that special anniversary?

Buddy's friends' hooman also told me yesterday that all the weeds we have growing at the side of our fence are noxic, incl. foxtail, hogweed, poison ivy, etc.and said as my friend he thought it better to inform me before some asshole reports me to the township and we get a huge fine and it touched my heart that he considers himself to be my friend and not just a neighbour he talks to and I honestly didn't know it was really that bad(I don't walk around that way to the side) and when i said we like to keep things natural he said There's a difference between keeping things natural and being over-run with weeds and I was embarrassed and when I mentioned it to my hubby that him and the boys have to clean it up he sneered, What is he, a botanist? I also woke up from my nap yesterday and didn't see or hear anyone and at first I even wondered if everyone had been Raptured  and I was the only one left behind!

Fly on, Thunderbird fly Fly on, spread your wings to the sky Fly on, Thunderbird fly.-Quiet Riot


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