Saturday, July 23, 2022

Where We Are Now.

We haven't had any progress this week with the construction on our street; they've been doing all the work at the other end of the street but this is our 'sidewalk" now; just all gravel and stones since they tore up our old one last week and our "road" is now all dirt, dust and sand since they also tore up the road last week. One of my cousins in Europe also had an entirely new lawn laid down and just right after a damn badger came and dug it all up and now she has a bunch of holes all in it. We're also still in our heatwave; day 5 or 6 I think and supposed to end tomorrow, It's at least 30 C with some days 32 C or 33 C with the humidex 40 C or 41 C. The Man With The Black Dog also told me 2 years ago one of the neighbours had his driveway all re-done and repaved; re-asphalted and it cost 10K but if he had just waited until now it would have all been done for free as the township is now digging everything up and has to fix it all up when they're done at no cost to us.

Remember how I also mentioned the other day that 2 new small buds were blooming on the practically dead sunflower plant that the birds, squirrels, etc. had killed? Well, now the little f*ckers have also eaten those off, too, and the drug dealers next-door are such typical white trash it's almost comical; they are just so "Ghetto"; they wear what I call "Basketball Clothes"; long baggy knee-length shorts and a sleeveless "undershirt"-style top and running shoes(they look like Eminem clones) and often with a cap, usually tturned backwards and they're White guys that talk like Black guys, and when I woke up from my nap the other day I saw a spider on my pillow next to my face,too, and I heard on the news that to be able to afford to buy a house in Toronto you have to earn an annual salary of at least 220K! The airport was also listed as the worst in the world in a list of Top Ten worst airports in the world for cancelled/delayed flights with over 52% flights cancelled or delayed. As always this shithole is the first of the worst!

This is also our "grass" now, all scuffed up and overturned. and even stopping her insulin injection my mother's still nauseated every day so maybe it wasn't that afterall, but rather just a side-effect of her diabetes and/or out-of-control blood sugar, and US Prez Biden still caught COVID even after having 4 doses of the Clot-Shot so not only do you have to suffer the side-effects of the vaccine but you still end up getting the virus,too! I remember when vaccines were supposed to prevent you from getting the disease!A senior was also sentenced to 2 weeks' house arrest for NOT downloading the gov't ArriveCan app when she arrived even though she WAS fully vaccinated and showed them proof; she just didn't download the intrusive app( and what about people like me that doesn't even have cell phones? Not that I would do it anyway)This shithole is such a  Fascist Police State. I'd just go thru customs like I usually do,skip that ArriveCan ap and just walk out of the airport. F*ck it.

This is also a Dumpster across the street with RENT ME on the side although you can't see it clearly from the photo.I also find it odd that the former Japanese PM gets assassinated, and PM's from the UK, Sri Lanka, Italy and Estonia all resigned around the same time and it makes me wonder if it's all part of the plan of the Great Reset and New World Order or rather they were forced to resign because they wouldn't comply, and it's interesting as well that Dutch farmers are protesting en masse(with support from German farmers) against the gov't and yet not one single mention of it in mainstream news.

Here you can see across the street for example, is blocked off with security fencing to cover up where it's all been dug up for construction and I wonder if maybe next week they'll be working on our end of the street again? I also saw the 23 YR old's video and was horrified and shocked she was wearing a really low-cut top and her boobs were hanging out and you could see the "crack" and it hurt my heart. One thing I could never stand are whores and bitches and seeing my own daughters dressing like common street trash really breaks my heart and bothers me and I brought them up better  than that, and to have some self-respect and modesty.It makes me so embarrassed and ashamed and disappointed. Ho's dress like that and then wonder why they get unwanted male attention but it's just like walking down the street flashing your jewellery or $$$$ and then wonder why you got robbed.

I also used to always see hollyhocks everywhere in the summer when I was a kid and now I just don't see them anywhere anymore. I think I might have seen them twice in my adulthood. Where have they all gone? I miss them. It makes me think of happy times, and my Last Battle, the one that completely broke me and took all I had left and depleted all of my resources and left me utterly broken and with no fight left in me anymore was when the 19 YR old was battling anorexia, self-harm and mental health issues when she was 14 and it took all I had to get her thru that and I also took the brunt of her anger, rage,and hate but at the expense of draining me of everything that I had left, leaving me completely drained and empty. I had just simply fought too many battles for too long and after that there was no fight left in me anymore. I was done.

I will never be seen as truly equal to my peers. I will always have to endure nasty comments and exclusion.-Katie Graham


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