Monday, August 1, 2022

The Jungle.

This is what the weeds at the side of our house on the other side of our fence looked like but yesterday my hubby went out and got a new weed whacker( we had one but it was so old and it had a part missing you can't find it anymore so he had to get a new one(it's so loud it sounds like a chain saw and it's really powerful and he really loves it!) so it shows the last time that we whacked weeds) and he whacked them and then after once they were shorter the 15 YR old went over them with the lawn mower. You can't see them here but I still debate that the white ones are even hogweed; I think that they look more like Queen Anne's Lace and I remember as a kid at camp pulling them up and eating the thin white wild carrots and I never got any burns or rashes like you would with hogweed; they just look alike. Maybe he was also mixing it up with wild parsnip although the plants look similar the "flower" on them is yellow, not white. Either way, they're gone now so we won't get a fine from the township for overgrown weeds. Now we just have some bushes and the lilies left closer to the fence and it looks much better and not so much like a wild jungle. Today is also a holiday and not for any particular reason, just because August didn't have one so somebody just invented a Civic holiday and we're having an obligatory long weekend BBQ and it's also my Babushka's birthday. She was born in 1912 and I can't do the math to figure out how old she'd be but she died at 93 some 17 or so years ago.

The other day my hubby was also out shopping so I had him pick me up some Johnson's baby LOTION in the PINK bottle (shown here) and I even emphasized it on the list highlighting and capitalizing and even underlining pink, lotion,and bottle as so not to get confused with the oil which has a pink lid....but you know where this is going and what he came back with instead.....the oil, which I just got last week and already had one of, so now I have 3 of the oil and no lotion! I mean really, how hard is it to just read the label and the list and match it up and get the right thing? He's notorious for always getting the wrong thing, usually my stuff. I swear, I have to send him with a photo to make sure he doesn't screw-up and then he gets mad at me because I got mad that he got the wrong thing when it was his fault! I also had this weird headache yesterday as well; in the morning I could feel a pulsing inside my head on the right side and it didn't hurt; it just felt like something beating, like a heart but later on a massive headache came on and my stomach and abdomenal pain was sooo bad it was white-hot searing pain that made me feel like I wanted to just throw up from the pain. I also accidently closed the dryer door on my finger and it hurts so bad all I could do was jump up and down and scream and loudly bellow f*ck!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs.

I also saw Mr. Sunflower now has 3 sunflowers open but they're really small and not big and tall like he usually gets every summer and I overheard my mother and the 27 YR old saying that I "don't do anything" even though I do laundry and cook (which is more than they do) and complain that I don't do housework( even though there's nothing stopping them from doing it,either, it's not all always up to me) even though I used to do it before my breathing issues got worse making it hard to exert myself and my back pain makes it hard to bend and my medical issues cropped up and as well I also basically just gave up on life and they just dwell on what I can no longer do now and forget everything that I used to do and act like it was nothing and he says I'm a narcissist too but I don't think I am ( and I hope I'm not  and I don't want to be!) esp. since they are vain, conceited, full of themselves and think they're better than everyone else and I have NO self-esteem and I think I suck and am NOT as good as anyone else and think I'm never good enough and I have nothing to be vain about.  I can still remember too(and it makes me laugh) when my hubby and I first met his family asked him What does she do?( for a living) and he replied, She shops.

The strangest thing I've read all week is also that Prince William's kink is being "pegged" by his mistressand nevermind Richard The Lionhearted, now we have William The Pegger and my hubby didn't even know what "pegging" was( so now watch him go off to Google it) and when I asked him if he wanted me to tell him he said, no, nevermind...and I thought that the Max Webster song Battle Scar sounded like Rush  so I researched it and sure enough they were on it and also the song I Ain't Superstitious I could have sworn sounded like Rod Stewart but then the guy on the radio said it was the Jeff beck Group  and I was like, Whaaat? I'm sure that sounded like Rod Stewart!  so i checked who was in the Jeff Beck Group....and sure enough Rod Stewart was! I knew it sounded like him! He has a distinct voice, and I knew he was in Faces before. If there's one thing I know, it's music and I can more often than not tell who's singing a song.

Oceans apart, day after day And I slowly go insane.-Richard Marx


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