Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Good Day!

Yesterday was a good day! I got my new book and spent the day reading and a nearly 350 page book like that usually takes me 4 hours or less to read but now in my decrepit old age I'm slower and it took me 8 hours, twice as long but that only means that I got to enjoy it longer! Whenever I get a new book I immerse myself in it all day and just get lost; I can't put it down until I finish as I have to find out how it ends afterall! It was also finally nice and warm out again finally like summer 27 C so I got to read alot outside and get a tan as well and I also got to listen to my Heavy Metal radio show that's always on Friday night as well and my hubby also finally  went to the grocery so we have food; he really should have went 3-4 days sooner as we were running out of everything; I didn't have my usual breakfast for a few days and had to scrounge around every morning to try and find something, and we were running low on milk and almost out of dog food and we did run out of bread, margarine, and orange juice. Pretty soon we'd be eating crap off the carpet like Buddy does! (that was sarcasm....or maybe not)The 27 YR old also said he qualifies for the food bank and he even did before when he had a job, being on minimum wage(and he's lost 10 pounds as well not eating as much now he has no $$$ to buy food and we can't afford to feed him; we can barely afford our own food and he has a biiiig appetite) and he says me always saying not to eat TOO much because you have to save enough for others is what "causes eating disorders" even though I 'm just trying to make sure we have enough food for everyone and he even saw 2 homeless people in town,too; now not just in the big cities anymore but even in a small dinky-ass town like this so that's how you know  the ecomony is in the shitter.

Look what I got as well: KFC chips! ( it tastes like chicken) and for the past 3 days I also have this weird sinus headache that I just can't seem to shake off and doing laundry yesterday putting the load from the washer into the dryer I also scooped up a mouse with the load and I saw it scurrying and it freaked me out as it wasn't something I was expecting so I picked it up by the tail and opened the back door and tossed it out in the yard, and my allergies have been really bad for the past few days as well and my mother says I "ignore" the 15 YR old too but since he pulled a knife  on me and threatened me awhile ago I just avoid him now and try to avoid conflict and hubby says that paying my 10$ dowry/bride price( it was originally 20$ but he got a half-price special) he got "ripped-off" and he wants his $$$ back, and my fave. Facebook friend put  one of his dogs down yesterday and it's just so sad and I could never do that to Buddy(although I understand why he did; the dog was in pain) as I couldn't live with the guilt of killing  my best friend and the feeling of betrayal he'd have at those last moments looking up at me, and the morning the Queen died and I heard the doctor was called I knew  she was dying too and I even said to my mother, I bet she's dying....and I was right but she was 96 so she had a good run (and also the only Queen I ever knew) and it wasn't unexpected but the poor woman never even got to retire and I realized as well if Princess Diana was still alive and hadn't gotten divorced she'd now be Queen.

There was never a soft place to land. -Alicia Matias


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