Thursday, September 8, 2022


I am so blessed to have Buddy. Not only is he the only light in my life but I have also been given extra time with him that I didn't think I'd have. I got him when he was 8 years old so i thought I'd probably only get 4 or maybe 5 years with him; that he'd live to 12, maybe 13, but here we are now, 8 years later, and he's 16. Actually 16 1/2 to be precise. We got more time than I ever thought ot expected and for that I am so grateful. He has also come close to dying so many times but God restored him to me and I am also grateful for that. He is the best thing that ever happened to me and the best thing in my entire life. I am thankful for every day, every second that we still have together. I am truly blessed  to have him in my life. he is truly the best thing to ever happen to me. Yesterday a package my hubby ordered 10 months ago from New York( so not even that far away!) finally arrived, almost a year later and that's long for shipping even for here( this shithole country is notorious for dreadful shipping; costing more than the item you order and taking forever) and I tried the new McDonald's McCrispy chicken sammich as well and it was good and I liked it; unlike the Burger King (Booger King) one that tastes like ass.

This was also me yesterday, still enjoying outside even if it's not sunny and warm I can still get fresh air and I stay outside as long as I can until it gets too cold. I'd live outside if I could( but I don't mean homeless) and my Facebook friend had her first baby as well and she lives in Panama now(she's from Montreal and lived in South Africa previously at the Desteni cult compound and now lives on their commune in Panama) and chose to have a C-section, something you don't have the option of here(we don't get much choice of anything here) unless there's a medical reason; she had a girl, and when I was coughing a fleshy thing came flying out and I couldn't get a close enough look at it to see what it was so I wonder what it was? A blood clot maybe or a piece of a tumour?Maybe I'm better off not knowing. My pain was also lower left abdomen, back, right side parallel to my belly-button, and right side at the back under the ribs at the bottom tip.If today happens to be my last day alive my Last Dying Wish is also that they finally take our recycling this week because they didn't last week and now all 6 bins are full and I don't know what we're going to do with it all next week, maybe have to rent a Dumpster or something?

Yesterday I also saw a bat which isn't uncommon around here at night except this was at 10 am and I know it was a bat and not a bird as the wings were fluttering way faster than a bird and it was also squeaking and I also saw a squirrel digging in my garden so now I know who the little f*cker is that killed my sunflowers, and my hubby thinks I'm "selfish" because I always look out for myself too because no one else ever has when really it's just survival and last night the 15 YR old didn't put out the garbage so I woke him up this morning to do it(he actually ignored me and blew me off because I've been so diminished I have no authority but when my hubby told him to do it he did) since it is his chore(and as I thanked him he snarled at me, Go to hell! so I replied back, Same to you!) and my mother went "off" on me saying she told  him NOT to as there "wasn't 'enough' room" (????) to put it down, etc.... just a bunch of BS not wanting her precious little prince to do any work and both my hubby and I told him to do it last night and she's NOT to over-rule us; we're his parents;NOT  her  and she should know her place and she told me that  should know MY place and I told her I do; I'M  the mother; the parent and she's NOT and she has no right to undermine or over-rule us! I don't know who she thinks she is but her butting-in and over-stepping boundaries has always caused all the problems and ruined the relationship that we used to have as well.

This morning I also enjoyed a nice lavender bath-bomb which turned the water a pretty purple but it looked even nicer in real-life than in the photo. It was actually a deep darker purple that dioesn't really show as well in the photo. It even had flecks of real lavender in it.

We are fictional characters of our own creation.- Nick Chater


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