Tuesday, September 13, 2022


So with my bad and weird headache, debilitating fatigue( I even slept in, something I never do! and all I want to do is sleep all day) feeling like I'm "detaching" from my body, whistling nose and not even able to smell the big gross squishy shit Buddy did I thought I must have COVID  again so I did a test but to my surprise( but glad) it was negative, so unless it's just too early to show positive it must be some other virus but it's just so easy to blame COVID plus I do feel like how I did before though and the 15 YR old was sick and he brought the virus back from when he was in Toronto where he met up with the 23 YR old and her BF who did  have it and tested positive. In any case, yesterday I just mostly slept for most of the day and hardly have much appetite either, also another indication although this time I don't  have a fever or muscle aches and last time I had chills and sweats and muscle aches soooo bad so maybe it is something else. Some asshole on Twitter also replied that they don't care about my Buddy and his bowel movements, etc. and I should keep certain things to myself and I replied that No one's forcing  you to read it. Just keep scrolling on by. I guess it's good they don't read this blog  then where everything is laid bare, raw, and open, and uncensored.😄

Yesterday I also got this e-mail thanking me for my "subscription" and "purchase" of some Norton product for 350$ and I flipped; I never ordered anything and I'm ceratinly NOT paying for it and at first I was going to send off a frantic reply but a little "voice" prompted me not to and instead I called my hubby( who does computers for his business) and asked him what to do as I knew it was a scam and he confirmned it and said DO NOT REPLY as that's what they want; to just delete it and mark it as spam and he could tell right away it was a scam as the reply address was a gmail account whereas I thought it was legit as gmail is real but he said only for people's personal accounts, never for a business. Life is hard when you're stupid, yet on the other hand I do know other "useless" facts such as the majority ethnic group in China are Han Chinese and Hmong people in Vietnam (which most people likely aren't aware of) but aren't useful for anything other than a trivia game. So maybe I'm smarter than people give me credit for or it's part of me being autistic?

They also said it's supposed to drop down to 5 C  tomorrow night and last night I slept with my window open for the nice cool breeze....except during the night I could smell skunk and it was really strong and so bad it woke me up and permeated the entire room and it was so gross and lasted for hours but I was too tired, sleepy,and groggy to close the window, and I heard a funny refined, cultured way of saying suck my dick as well: dine on my genitalia which cracked me up and I still remember that time too when I was a kid I was so excited to go to the CNE (The Ex) that I forgot to put on my underwear but luckily I was wearing a one-piece jumper so it didn't matter and I also remember my mother saying my aunt's husband( both long dead now) was pretty much illiterate and Why do you think he never played board games with everyone else?(I just thought he didn't like board games just like I don't really care for them even though I'm a good reader) as he was old-country European and yet it didn't stop him from marrying, having a family, getting a job, driving, and owning a house. I still remember as well when he died( heart-attack in his sleep) and my aunt went up to yell at him for being so lazy and sleeping-in so late....and found him dead in bed. OMG, I can only imagine how badly she must have felt.

Some things only the eyes of faith can see.


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