Sunday, September 4, 2022



THING I ATE: Chocolate donut

THING I DID: Have a bath with a bath bomb that turned the water a sapphire blue

SONG I ADDED TO MY PLAYLIST: Downtown  by Neil Young

THING I BOUGHT: Funky tie-dyed outfit


THING THAT AWED ME: Seeing orange leaves on a maple tree


BOOK I READ: The Girl In The Middle by Anais Granofsky

MOVIE I SAW: Top Gun Maverick


FAST FOOD I HAD: Burger King  chicken sandwich


SONG I LISTENED TO: Lay it On The Line by Triumph

As well, last night the 27 YR old left water or oil on the kitchen floor and didn't clean it up and I didn't see it and I slipped and fell and went down hard and just when I was starting to NOT feel as stiff and sore now I hurt all over again, esp. my arse and right arm and hand which I automatically reached out to try and "catch" myself so I wouldn't hit my head. My friend S( from Jr. High) also said what happened to her could be what's causing my pain as well: she said she had her gallbladder out years ago as well but years later had like what I do in the exact same location and symptoms and it turned out it was gallstones stuck in her bile ducts  and it was so bad she was vomiting and even passing out and had to have another surgery. Hmmmm.....could be....My mother(who cheated on her diabetic diet TWICE yesterday eating a donut AND ice cream) also asked me if I think I'll ever be a grandmother and I really have no idea but if the kids are smart they won't have kids; it's just not  worth it. I dedicated most of my adult life to raising them, and sacrificing so much to keep them safe when our family was in danger and all for nothing as they ended up hating me and not being good people as adults anyway, so all that for what? I just ended up wasting my life. Also, the hardest thing about being a parent is when you have to save them from themselves ( suicidal, self-harm, eating disorders) and in the process they end up hating you as a result so you do succeed  in saving  them but you also end up losing  them at the same time.

I also saw The Teacher across the street and I bet he's NOT happy about having to go back to work in 2 days; he teaches high school and will have to go back to mouthy disrespectful teenagers that talk during class, talk-back, disrupt class, call him names behind his back( or even to his face)etc. and no one would be eager to get back to that and I can still remember as a kid and teen not wanting to go back either; worried will I get the mean teachers, or the bitches or the bullies in my classes, or will I get any of my friends in any of my classes, will I have anyone to be gym partners or science partners with,etc? Now I laugh realizing that those were my biggest problems, worries, and stresses in life. If only life was so simple now...

Get back to where you once belonged.-The Beatles


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